Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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Monday 14th - Sunday 20th October 2024


 The Scofield Reference Bible laments what it describes as “the judaizing of the New Testament Church,” referring to a practice in the Church in which the principles, regulations, and practices of Judaism are applied to New Testament saints. According to Cyrus I. Scofield, the practice has greatly hindered the Church from fulfilling its mission, both to God and to men.

To avoid that pitfall, Holy Spirit, through apostle Paul, placed an instruction in the New Testament for pastors to, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim. 2:15). The cause of much of the doctrinal errors in the Church is the inability of many Bible teachers to “rightly divide the word of truth.” In many instances, the commandments meant for OT saints are applied to NT saints, while the promises of God are similarly misapplied.

 In Bible colleges, “Hermeneutics” is a course that deals with interpreting the Bible. It states that before a passage in the Bible can be properly interpreted, it is important to note context: who is speaking, to whom, and under what circumstance. If that rule is applied to our current understanding of the Bible, it shall be discovered that much of what is practised as Christianity in the Nigeria Church is a mixture of OT and NT principles. That is the ‘mixture’ that has opened the door to syncretism, the combination of Christianity and tradition, resulting in the paucity of Christlike character in the Church.

 Christians need to note that God related to humans under different dispensations, each dispensation with its rules and regulations. Bible scholars have identified the following dispensations of God’s dealing with the world:

the dispensation of innocence – the Adamic dispensation

2. the dispensation of conscience – the Enoch dispensation

3. the dispensation of human government – the Noahic dispensation

 4. the dispensation of promise – the Abrahamic dispensation

5. the dispensation of the law – the Mosaic dispensation

6. the dispensation of grace – the Church age

7. the dispensation of millennium reign – the Messianic dispensation

A comparison of the OT saint under the Mosaic law with the NT saint under the dispensation of grace reveals that both saints have different origins, different assignments, and differing rewards. While the OT saint originated from the patriarchs, the NT saint originated from the Holy Spirit (John 3:5-8). The OT saint was commanded to separate himself from the nations, but the NT saint was commanded to go to the nations. The OT saint was promised a reward in the Promised Land while the NT saint would get his reward in heaven, if he successfully accomplished the will of God (1 Pet.1:4). While the OT saint requires the blood of bulls and goats to atone for his sin and grant him access to God, the NT saint only requires the blood of Jesus. Their modes of worship equally differed. While the OT saint is permitted to worship only at the Temple, the NT saint can worship anywhere two or three are gathered in the name of Jesus.


One major issue in the Church is that there are many “Christians” who by confession identify with Jesus Christ but in practice and character follow Moses. This is one reason Deut. 8:18 (power to get wealth) is popular in the Church while Acts 1:8 (power to witness) is not. God gave the OT saints power to get wealth while He gave the NT saints power to witness. Many New Testament saints are pursuing the power to get wealth (OT promise) to the detriment of soul winning (NT assignment). 


In Matt. 5, the Lord repeatedly cited portions of the OT and overrode them with new regulations for the dispensation of grace. The Lord kept repeating, “You have heard that it was said by them of old time, … but I say unto you…” This statement is repeated in verses 21, 27, 31, 33, 38, and 43. New Testament saints are meant to follow the new regulations that replace the old. What the Lord did in Matthew 5 was a way of confirming that the regulations for Christians were different from those of the OT saints. The Church is not under the law, but under grace (Rom. 6:14). In Gal. 3:10, the Bible declares, ”For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse”, while verse 11 continues, ”that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident….”


Unfortunately, for various reasons, many pastors present OT regulations as mandates for Christians, making some people to ask, “Why, then, was the OT preserved and presented to NT saints?”


 The question is answered in 1 Cor. 10:6,11: ”Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come” (v. 11). Romans 15:4 says, ”For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.” The Old Testament was preserved for the New Testament saint to learn about the experiences and mistakes of those who went before, and learn to avoid their pitfalls. This is the essence of 1 Cor. 10:1-13. Readers should read the passage and note the five offences that the OT saints committed in the wilderness, that led God to destroy them after taking them out of Egypt. Jude 5 declares that God saved them out of Egypt and later destroyed them for unbelief. The NT saint is warned not to commit any of those five offences. (Teachings on those five offences can be found at www.houseofkaris.net/audio: “Ambush on the Road to the Promised Land” - Parts 1-5.)


If the Church is going to be revived and make impact in this generation, there must be a total return to the New Testament. Believers were called “Christians” in Antioch (Acts. 11:26) because people saw that they were like Christ. In this generation, it is difficult to find Christians who are like Christ, because most Christians do not wholly follow the teachings of Christ. It is time to return to Christlikeness. That is the way to revival.





1. 1 John 1:9 Confess the sins of the Nigeria Church for deviations in any way from the commands of Jesus Christ, e.g., concerning brotherly love in the Church, unity of the saints, soul winning under the Great Commission, as well as in following the example of Christ as a servant.

2. John 8:32 Pray for the Nigeria Church that it shall be wholly established in the truth of the Word of God.

3. 2 Tim. 2:15 Intercede for ministers of the gospel, that they shall receive grace to rightly divide the word of truth and teach believers nothing but the truth.

4. Matt. 28:19-20 Pray that, henceforth, the Nigeria Church shall focus on making disciples rather than on building cathedrals.

5. Rom. 8:14 Pray that Christians shall receive grace to have personal relationship with Holy Spirit, that the manifestation of Holy Spirit shall be real to every Christian.

6. Eph. 4:11-15 Pray that ministers of the gospel shall receive grace to teach the whole counsel of God so that the saints can mature into the fulness of the stature of Christ.

 7. 2 Pet. 2:1-3 Pray that God shall uproot from the Church all false teachers who deceive Christians into following mammon instead of wholly following Chri



Monday 7th - Sunday 13th October 2024


I see a crowd
I see cash
I see cars
But I do not see Christ
    - Pastor S. G. Elton

















Monday 30th Sept. - Sunday 6th October 2024


That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Eph. 1:17).



Monday 23rd - Sunday 29th September 2024


”When purpose is not known, abuse becomes inevitable” Myles Munroe.



Monday 16th - Sunday 22nd September 2024


No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon (Matt. 6: 24).



Monday 9th - Sunday 15th September 2024


1. A Paradox of Two Sites

When the house was built, it was with stone prepared at the quarry, so that neither hammer nor axe nor any tool of iron was heard in the house while it was being built (1 Kings 6:7).



Monday 2nd - Sunday 8th September 2024


Years ago, in Germany, there was a young Jewish boy who had a profound sense of admiration for his father. The life of the family centred around the acts of piety and devotion prescribed by their religion. The father was zealous in attending worship and instruction and demanded the same from his children. While the boy was a teenager, the family was forced to move to another town in Germany. In the new location, there was no synagogue, and the people all attended the Lutheran Church. Suddenly, the father announced to the family that they were all going to abandon their Jewish tradition and join the Lutheran Church. When the stunned family asked why, the father explained that it was necessary to help his business. The youngster was bewildered and confused. His deep disappointment soon gave way to anger and a kind of intense bitterness that plagued him throughout his life.



Monday 26th August - Sunday 1st September 2024


And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent (Acts 17: 30).



Monday 19th - Sunday 25th August 2024


“… ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence, And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth. (Isa. 62:6–7).

Two seemingly contradictory revelations from heaven were shared last week at the National Prayer Altar. While they appeared to be conflicting, to the discerning, both revelations were saying the same thing: a new Nigeria is going to be birthed.

In one revelation, a sister saw two Cherubim in a prayer posture, in-between them the Ark of the Covenant. From the mercy seat came forth the coat of arms of Nigeria. In her dream and in her flesh, the sister started screaming for joy, until her husband woke her up, wondering what 'nightmare' was making her to scream in her sleep. The import of the revelation is clear: a new covenant-country is about to emerge.

In the other revelation, a 15-year-old girl who has demonstrated prophetic integrity said she was shown that the military took over power, and great calamity came upon the country. She reported that the Lord said to her that "the Church should rise up and pray immediately against the military takeover and the calamity prepared to befall our nation Nigeria."

Both revelations are saying the same thing, that there is a plan of goodness for Nigeria from God, but Satan has not retired from from his evil plots. It is left for the Church to decide on which side the pendulum should swing. 

In the wake of some protesters in northern Nigeria carrying the Russian flag during the just concluded national protest against hunger, the signal of a military takeover should not be taken lightly by intercessors. It would be a great setback for Nigeria if the military should return to power. If there should be another military incursion into power, it is not difficult to predict from which section of the geographical and religious divide in the country the coup plotters would come from. Of greater apprehension would be their allegiance to the oppressive forces seeking to dominate Nigeria. The implication of such a takeover is that all the obnoxious attempts to appropriate the lands of indigenous ethnic nationalities, which have been resisted through the instrumentality of the Constitution, would be done without any hinderance. The military rules by decrees, not by a constitution. RUGA can be imposed by a decree, and the water ways can be appropriated by a decree. 

The issue now is no longer whether one approves of the APC or not. There is a greater danger looming over the horizon, and the Church must intensify prayers for God’s divine intervention. Some apparent compatriots have shown that they are determined to persist in evil, irrespective of its cost to the country. They are forces that kept mute in the eight years of Buhari’s misadventure with power. 

As mentioned in the prayer call entitled “When Will the Church Save Nigeria?”, Christians must accept responsibility for birthing a new nation, and ensure that their words and conducts match their utterances in prayer. It is not enough that Christians travail in prayers for the country. They must, in addition, ensure that they live exemplary lives that will promote righteousness in the land.

The season calls for greater circumspection by Christians about the role of Church leadership in national affairs. On multiple occasions, the spiritual authority of the Church was misused by some Church leaders who were merchants in the sanctuary, to endorse evil leaders in the country. The pursuit of selfish interest in the Church is what brought Nigeria to its knees. Christians must be on the alert to demand accountability from such transactional leaders. It is not rebellion to resist Church leaders whose actions threaten the corporate interest of the Church. The often repeated intimidation is that only God can correct His servant. That has no basis in the Scriptures. 

Nigeria is at the brink of destiny. Heaven has shown that a new country could either arise out of the Holy of Holies or the country could suffer a setback and begin afresh. The Church has the responsibility of ensuring that a covenant country emerges. 

Let no one be in doubt about the future of Nigeria. A new country shall emerge. God has spoken it. When God speaks, it comes to pass. What we do not know is how quickly we would cooperate with Him to bring His will to a pass in the country. The children of Israel reached the border of the Promised Land two years after they left Egypt. There at the border, they rebelled and returned into the wilderness for an extra thirty-eight years, until that generation of rebels perished. 

This generation of Christians in Nigeria must be careful. Upon them lies the responsibility for the emergence of a new Nigeria. The weak link in the Church has been its leadership. The transactional spirit that many Christian leaders have exhibited has done great harm to the Body of Christ and to the country. They have been able to get away with it because their Christian brethren do not demand accountability from them, under the guise of respecting spiritual leaders. Transactional leadership in the Church must cease. The Church of Jesus Christ is not a commodity to be put up for sale to any politician.

In this season, “watch and pray” is indispensable. All Christians must be on the alert, physically and spiritually, all over the country. Satan must not be permitted to set the country back tragically at the border of the Promised Land.


1).    Isaiah 43:18–19
 Thank God for the vision of a new Nigeria. Thank God that it shall come, and it shall not fail.

2).    Isaiah 14: 27
Decree that no conspiracy by the kingdom of darkness will frustrate the emergence of a new Nigeria.

3).    Isaiah 46: 9 -10
 Decree again that, concerning Nigeria, the counsel of the Almighty God shall stand. The new Nigeria shall come forth.

4).    Zech. 1:18–21
Pray for the release of the four carpenters of heaven, to scatter all the forces that are working against God’s purpose for Nigeria. Take authority over the forces of darkness that are oppressing Nigerians.

5).    Isaiah 29:5–8 Pronounce judgment upon all the forces threatening a military takeover in Nigeria, to promote sectional ethnic and religious interests. Cancel all their plans. Decree that they shall be like chaff before the wind.

6).    1 Pet. 4:17
Pray that God will arise and judge all Christian leaders who collaborate with the enemies of God and the foes of Nigeria,  for their selfish interests. 

7).    2 Cor. 12:9
Pray mercy and grace for Nigeria, that the country shall not fail at the border of the Promised Land. 









Monday 12th - Sunday 18th August 2024


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God" (Matt. 5:9).

“A politician thinks of the next election, a statesman of the next generation. A politician looks for the success of his party; a statesman for that of his country. The statesman wishes to steer, while the politician is satisfied to drift.” 
- James Freeman Clarke







8th April 2023



The National Prayer Altar is an interdenominational and international platform of Christians who meet daily at 9pm to pray for Nigeria. The National Prayer Altar commenced daily prayers on 18th April, 2022.

As a company of intercessors committed to the birth of a new Nigeria in which righteousness, justice, and peace shall reign, the National Prayer Altar is alarmed at the ethnic conflicts that have trailed the 2023 governorship election in Lagos State. Of particular concern is the tension being created between the Igbos and the Yorubas, the two major nationalities in the south of Nigeria.









Monday 5th - Sunday 11th August 2024


LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, LORD. Repeat them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy (Hab. 3: 2, NIV).

John Calvin wrote: “When God wants to judge a nation, He gives them wicked rulers”. 










Monday 29th July - Sunday 4th August 2024


Can two walk together, except they be agreed? (Amos 3: 3).

A few weeks ago, we published under the prayer call entitled “The Samoa Agreement,” the 10-point agenda of Alice Bailey aimed at the establishment of the New World Order. That satanic 10-point agenda currently guides the policies of most Western nations. Today, we shall revisit that agenda for the purpose of prayers on another issue that is of paramount importance to Nigeria. First, we need to represent the entire agenda to enable us to understand the context within which today’s prayer call is based.








Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th July 2024


Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell (Prov. 23: 13 - 14).

In a viral video on social media, a Muslim cleric based in Florida, USA, was boasting to a Muslim congregation that churches were “emptying out” because the younger generation was no longer interested in Christianity. He bragged that Church buildings were becoming empty, and Muslims were purchasing the properties.



Monday 15th - Sunday 21st July 2024


A few days ago, during our regular prayers, a brother shared his unique experiences over days, culminating in a profound dream with significance for Nigeria.  A flash interpretation to the dream was provided. This indicated that it was a vision about a great political figure who was soon to fall in the country after his house of beasts shall have risen against him as his leviathan powers are judged.  Days later, a more insightful interpretation was provided, with an impressive clarification of the season that now is.  Both the vision and that interpretation are provided below.



Monday 8th - Sunday 14th July 2024


Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants (Lev. 18: 25).



Monday 1st - Sunday 7th July 2024


And all the men of Israel, when they saw the man, fled from him, and were sore afraid. (1 Sam. 17: 24).

Last week, during the nightly intercessory prayers for Nigeria at the National Altar, a distinguished professor, while leading prayers, lamented what she called the “poverty of courage” in the land. Evil, corruption, unrighteousness, injustice, and perversion have pervaded the land because “men” are no longer standing as “men”.



Monday 24th - Sunday 30th June 2024


This prayer call analyses the impact of political ideologies on Nigeria. There are currently two conflicting political ideologies contesting for supremacy in the constitution. The consequence of the contest is the dysfunctionality of the Nigerian state. It is in the interest of Nigerians that this contest is resolved in favour of the political ideology upon which Nigeria was established as a country.



Monday 10th - Sunday 16th June 2024


Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors, there is safety (Prov. 11: 14).

We commend the leaders and members of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC), and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), with all their affiliate bodies, for rising to the challenge of defending the rights of the ordinary citizen in Nigeria. The recent nationwide strike of the labour should be a wake-up call to a self-seeking and heartless political class, that it can no longer continue to take Nigerians for granted.

In the prayer call of 25th – 31st May 2024, we carried an article entitled “WHO OWNS NIGERIA?” In that prayer call, we highlighted the 1999 Constitution (as amended) as the bane of the Nigerian society. We further highlighted four areas in which the 1999 Constitution (as amended) negatively impacts Nigeria.

The 3rd – 4th June 2024 warning strike of NLC aims at negotiating better wages for Nigerian workers. This is a noble objective, but it falls far from the goal of making life easy for all Nigerians. It does not matter how much salary increase labour leaders are able to negotiate, inflation will wipe it off as soon as it arrives. Nigeria is no longer productive, because it runs a dysfunctional constitution that chokes the life out of the constituent units in the country and prevents them from working. Therefore, any salary increase at this time will harm the economy. It will be too much money chasing too few goods.

There was a time in Nigeria when the monthly salary of a university graduate was N484.00. At that time, monthly rent for a three-bedroom flat was N200.00 in some cities, while a brand-new car was N4,804. This was in 1984. Today, both the rent and the car are priced in millions while the monthly salary of the graduate must be in six figures for it to make sense. Even for a graduate earning a monthly salary of N100,000 today, he will have to make do with the minimum basics of life to survive the month.

Therefore, when NLC and TUC repeatedly propose certain figures as new national minimum wage, what do they think would happen to the economy? Are we going to purchase a loaf of bread for N100,000? If labour is piqued with the irresponsible legislators who allocate to themselves humungous monthly salaries and allowances, the solution is not a tit-for-tat humongous salary increase across board. An eye-for-an-eye will make everyone blind.

There is a better way to handle the problem, and it will not cost the labour unions any extra effort, but it will guarantee maximum benefit for everyone in the country. The same nationwide strike and shutting down of services (excluding essential services) is all that is required, and far-reaching rewards will accrue to all the citizens.

The problem of Nigeria is not lack of money. Nigeria is a stupendously rich country, but its sovereignty has been hijacked. At present, Nigerians are not free citizens in their country. Some faceless forces have hijacked the liberty of the people and turned them into “dhimmis”, second-class citizens, in their country. What labour is doing is akin to slaves going on strike in a sugarcane plantation for better treatment. Even if they obtain the better treatment, they are still slaves. Is it not better to fight for freedom? 

The sponsors of the 1999 Constitution (as amended) usurped the sovereign right of Nigerians to give the country a constitution and organize Nigeria according to their wish. Nigerians are suffering today because they did not organize Nigeria in its present manner. It was done by a group of forces, who blatantly lied by claiming that “WE THE PEOPLE” of Nigeria produced the 1999 Constitution (as amended) when, in fact, WE THE PEOPLE knew nothing about it. It is an act of treason. It is that illegitimate constitution that has locked up Nigeria in a cell of poverty and death. This is what NLC and TUC should resolve and not wage increase.

In the prayer call of 25th – 31st March 2024, we highlighted four areas (amongst many others) in which the 1999 Constitution (as amended) is harming Nigerians. 

Those four areas are:
1.    Insecurity
2.    Unemployment and poverty
3.    Religious intolerance
4.    Corruption

If leaders of labour could concentrate on getting a new Constitution for Nigeria, they would resolve these four harmful points, as well as the many unnamed others. Then, there would be no need for any salary increase. Employment opportunities will blossom. There would be peace and safety all over the country. The cases of insurgency, banditry, kidnapping, and terrorism will die a natural death. Productivity will increase all over the country and each constituent part will generate its electricity and provide effective transportation system for the people. The quality of education will improve, and it will be free. Quality healthcare will be accessible to all citizens and the brain drain of medical personnel will cease. The cost of foodstuff will drop as farming activities will resume in full scale all over the country. All these will make life easier for all the citizens.

There are two ways to go about the new Constitution:

1.    There could be a demand for an immediate return to the 1963 Republican Constitution. This can be achieved within a few months with minor amendments. A transition program can be put in place for the current political office holders till 2027 when their tenure will end. If the country can revert to the Independence Anthem, why can it not revert to the Independence Constitution?
2.    The other option is for a conference of ethnic nationalities to be convened for the various constituent units to renegotiate Nigeria and develop a new constitution from their negotiations.

All these can be achieved in 2024. 

The fraudulent and illegitimate 1999 Constitution (as amended) acknowledges in its Section 14 (2)a that “sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom government through this Constitution derives all its powers and authority;” This being the case, labour should reclaim the sovereignty of the people over Nigeria so that the country can be organized by the people in a manner that will benefit the citizens. The sovereignty of Nigeria has been hijacked. This is the reason votes no longer count and courts have replaced the ballot box.

If NLC and TUC are truly desirous of helping Nigerian workers, they should focus on resolving the constitutional dispute in the country and leave wage increase. Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well.

God bless Nigeria.

If this prayer call makes sense to you, kindly share it until it gets to leaders of NLC and TUC.


1).    Prov. 11: 14 
Pray for Godly counsel to guide Nigerians in positions of authority and influence so that they can use their positions to lead the country aright.

2).    2 Samuel 15: 31; Ezekiel 11: 2 
Pray that God will overturn every evil and wicked counsel that is working against the peace and progress of Nigeria. Pray that God will silence all evil speakers within and outside Nigeria.

3).    Isaiah 28: 14 – 15
 Pray that every covenant that some political leaders have entered into with forces of darkness, that makes them insensitive to the suffering of the people, shall be annulled, in the name of Jesus Christ. 

4).    2 Cor. 11: 13 – 15
 Pray for the swift judgment of God on Church leaders who entered into covenant with marine spirits and traffic with the occult while claiming to be servants of Jesus Christ. 

5).    Isaiah 27: 1 
Take authority over the spirit of leviathan and bind its power and influence over Nigeria. Pray that the judgment of God shall come swiftly upon leviathan, and it shall be cut off from Nigeria.

6).    Isaiah 25: 6 – 8 
Pray that all Nigerians shall arise in one accord and demand a new constitution for the country. Pray that the veil and the spell placed upon the country shall be destroyed. 

7).    Col. 2: 14 – 15
 Decree and nullify every constitution, decree, treaty, ordinance, byelaw, and any regulation in Nigeria that causes oppression, suppression, and regression of the country and the people. Amen.



Monday 3rd - Sunday 9th June 2024


Because to every purpose there is time and judgment, therefore the misery of man is great upon him. (Eccl. 8: 6).

God is Sovereign. For every purpose upon earth, God has a time and a judgment. Once the calendar of God starts running, it can neither be interrupted nor abrogated. There are instances in which God gives man an idea of His calendar. A situation might not seem pleasant or palatable, but it could fit into God’s eternal purpose. Under such conditions, it does not matter how much prayer, fasting, or cries one offers, the calendar will run its full course. 

However, because God is sovereign, He might also decide to break into His calendar and accelerate events, as indicated in Matt. 24:22: "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened". Whenever God breaks into His own calendar, it is amazing grace.

In His dealings with nations, God establishes programs of action to purge, prepare, or preserve the people, for His purpose. We see two examples of such dealings with Israel in which the nation went through a calendar of fire to prepare and purge the people to fulfill God’s purpose. 

That is where it gets interesting. Once God commences His calendar, its termination or fullness of time is left to the people. If they are alert, they will terminate the calendar at its fulness of time. However, if the people are rebellious or careless, they could extend the calendar. This is true for nations as well as for individuals. 

In Daniel 9: 2, Daniel wrote, "In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem." Daniel was on the alert, waiting for the seventy years to be accomplished for the Jews in Babylon. He did not pray before the seventy years were completed, because he knew it would not work. The prophetic calendar had to run its full course. 

Daniel was still on his knees when the answer came from heaven. "And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God; Yea, whiles I was speaking in prayer, even the man Gabriel, whom I had seen in the vision at the beginning, being caused to fly swiftly, touched me about the time of the evening oblation" (Dan. 9: 20-21). Heaven was waiting for the nation to arise and demand a termination of the calendar of judgment. Only one man understood the times and the seasons. That single individual ended the calamity for the entire nation.

We find another example in Gen. 15: 13. God told Abraham, "... Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years" The calendar of God for Israel in Egypt was 400 years. They spent 30 extra years. When Moses started stirring in the 390th year, they drove Moses away with, "who made thee a prince and a judge over us?" Moses fled to Midian for forty years. That was what brought their servitude in Egypt to 430 years. They extended the calendar by 30 years.

There is an interesting historical account in the public domain that concerns the calendar of God for Nigeria. In that account, Uthman Dan Fodio was shown a vision in which he was told that the empire which he had built on blood would last for 200 years. That was in 1804. In 2004, the Caliphate publicly celebrated its 200 years of existence. What does that tell us? Where were the Daniels in the land to mark the calendar? Twenty years after, in 2024, the throne is still exerting an influence over Nigeria and exercising power in the politics, economy, religion, as well as the sponsorship of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

At the dot of the 200 years, God made sure that the throne celebrated the calendar for the whole world to know that the time was up for them. It was a valedictory celebration. Unfortunately, Nigerians did not catch the signal.

The Church leaders who, as the gatekeepers over the land, should have given direction to the people, were consumed with the vanity and covetousness of the world. Consequently, they could neither discern the times nor the seasons God appointed for Nigeria. As a matter of fact, when some of them were reminded about the importance of the season, they were offended. Because there was no understanding of visions, the people continued to perish. Prov. 29: 18

Certain thrones are still speaking in Nigeria while, in the calendar of God, they are dead thrones. Their time has run out. It is therefore not strange that death has filled the land. Dead thrones cannot dispense life, only death.

In a previous prayer call, it was mentioned that the currency to pay for empires is blood. Every empire is built on the foundation of blood. Once the duration of an empire expires, if the beneficiaries do not want it to die, they must pay double the amount of blood that was paid to establish it in the first instance. The calendar of an empire ended in 2004, five years later, in 2009, massive bloodshed started in Nigeria. Connect the dots. An empire whose tenure has expired is still tenaciously clinging to power in Nigeria by attempting to double the blood price.

A few months ago, God gave a revelation, that Heaven had ended the tenure of some thrones in Nigeria. However, like Daniel, the people must pray them out so that the demonic Prince of Persia would give way. The major assignment now is to travail in prayer and remind God that His calendar for Nigeria is due. It is 20 years overdue. Gather the wailing women. Call together the mourning women. Jer. 9: 17 - 18. Let them lament the desolation of the land and the breach of the divine calendar. 

Let the hosts of heaven mobilize into Nigeria and enforce the divine order. A new light has dawned for this country. It is the era of the Son of God. "Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting doors, that the King of Glory" may enter Nigeria.

Nigeria, arise and shine, for your light is come. The glory of God is risen upon Nigeria.


1.    Dan. 2: 20 – 22
 Thank God for revealing to His people the mystery of His calendar for Nigeria. Thank Him for changing the times and the seasons for the country.

2.    Dan. 9: 2 
Remind God that while His calendar for Israel in Babylon was 70 years, His calendar for Nigeria was 200 years. Call upon God to end the desolation of Nigeria just as He ended the desolation of Israel in Babylon.

3.    Ez. 32: 18 – 27 
Pray that every dead throne that is still speaking in Nigeria be dismantled and buried in 2024.

4.    Isaiah 49: 24 – 26 
Pray that every evil structure that is sustaining oppression, regression, and suppression in Nigeria be dismantled in 2024.

5.    Rev. 12: 10 – 11 
Plead the Blood of Jesus to silence and nullify the power of every blood that has been shed as sacrifice to keep Nigeria in bondage to dead thrones. 

6.    Rev. 12: 7 – 9 
Pray that the hosts of God shall be released by God into Nigeria to drive Satan and his forces out of the country the way they were driven out of heaven.

7.    Isaiah 60: 1 – 2 Proclaim the glory of the Lord over Nigeria.



Monday 27th - Sunday 2nd June 2024

In furtherance of its efforts at providing solutions to the challenges facing Nigeria, the National Prayer Altar, in addition to its daily prayers for Nigeria, organized a conference to provide practical solutions to the problems of the country. 

At the end of the Prayer Conference, the participants agreed as follows:

1.    The 1999 Constitution (as amended) is a major obstacle to the peace, progress, and prosperity of Nigeria.

2.    The Conference was unanimous that the 1999 Constitution (as amended) fails every test of a sovereign document for a federal system of government and should be decommissioned without further delay.

3.    The Conference disagreed with the amendment exercise currently being undertaken by the National Assembly and insists that a fraudulent and illegitimate document cannot be amended; it must be discarded and replaced.

4.    The Conference also stated unequivocally that a constitution can only be negotiated, not legislated into existence the way the 1979 Constitution was done via Military Decree 104 and Military Decree 24 for the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

5.    Participants called on the ethnic nationalities to fulfil their responsibility and take steps to give Nigeria new constitutional arrangements.

6.    The Conference acknowledged that the 1963 Republican Constitution still stands as the only authentic constitution of Nigeria in existence, having been negotiated at several conferences in Lagos and in London, before it was finally approved in July of 1963 at the Constitutional Conference in Lagos.

7.    The Conference also acknowledged that the 1963 Constitution was only suspended by Gen. Ironsi’s Decree 1 of 1966; not abrogated.

8.    The Conference affirmed that it was an error for the Military to have introduced the 1979 and 1999 Constitutions while the 1963 Constitution was still in place.

9.    The Conference appreciated the efforts of the Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self-Determination (NINAS) in the past twenty-five years to resolve the constitutional dispute in Nigeria occasioned by the illegitimate 1999 Constitution (as amended).

10.    The Conference acknowledged the five-fold proposition of NINAS as a veritable roadmap for the consideration of the ethnic nationalities to resolve the constitutional impasse in Nigeria.

11.    The Conference agreed that new constitutional arrangements can be introduced in 2024 while a transition can be put in place for the government, till 2027.

12.    The Conference lamented the apathy of intellectuals and religious leaders in the country to issues that threaten the corporate existence of Nigeria notwithstanding the genocide that has been unleashed on many ethnic nationalities.

13.    The Conference affirmed that the ethnic nationalities do not require the permission of the government to meet and produce new constitutional arrangements for the country.

14.    It was equally affirmed that the role of the National Assembly is to make laws and not to produce a Constitution. The responsibility of producing a constitution rests on the indigenous ethnic nationalities.

15.    The Conference concluded by calling on all Nigerians to arise and demand new constitutional arrangements for the country, to replace the 1999 Constitution (as amended) which was imposed on Nigeria by the Military.


1.    Gal. 5: 1 
Pray and reject every instrument of bondage imposed upon Nigeria. It is for liberty that Christ has made up free. Reject before the Almighty God the 1999 Constitution (as amended) which was introduced to place Nigerians under bondage.

2.    Isaiah 10: 27 
Pray that the anointing of the Almighty God shall destroy the yoke of bondage placed upon Nigeria through the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

3.    Ps. 2: 7 – 9 
Demand of Heaven that the 1999 Constitution (as amended) be decommissioned in 2024.

4.    Matt. 16: 19 
Take authority over the forces of darkness sustaining the 1999 Constitution (as amended) to further the program of the kingdom of darkness. Break the hold of Satan and his forces over Nigeria.

5.    Ps. 9: 15 - 20 
Pray that all the foreign nations that have ganged up against Nigeria shall fall into their pits of bondage and destruction.

6.    Isaiah 51: 9 – 10 
Pray for righteous indignation and a stirring in Nigeria against every instrument and structure of oppression and bondage. 

7.    Rom. 4: 16 – 17 
Call forth a new constitution for Nigeria, which will promote righteousness, justice, equality, and fairness in the country.



Monday 20th - Sunday 26th May 2024


In 1 Chro. 12:32, the Bible talks about “the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.”  Every season has its peculiar characteristics that demand skillful understanding of how it should be handled.  “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven” (Eccl. 3:1).  There is a time for war and a time for peace; there is a to love and a time to hate.  How one handles a time of war would be different from how one would handle a time of peace. The peculiarity of each season demands wisdom, insight, and foresight.

That Nigeria is in crisis is no longer news.  That it stinks globally due to corruption and unrighteousness is neither a secret. The issue now is, what should be done to restore normalcy? What does this season demand? 

Several intellectuals and well-meaning citizens have identified the number one obstacle to peace, progress, and prosperity of Nigeria: the fraudulent and illegitimate 1999 Constitution (as amended). Many analysts have dissected the 1999 Constitution and authoritatively affirmed that, so long as that document is in force as the sovereign document of Nigeria, the country is not going anywhere.

With this awareness, which is in the public domain, it beats the imagination how a country of over 200 million people could fold the hands and allow the situation to persist. Nigeria neither lacks intellectuals nor is destitute of human rights activists, yet a Constitution responsible for daily bloodshed in the land, for the penury of the people and discord amongst the citizens has been allowed to operate for twenty-five years.

This season demands the rising of all citizens in Nigeria to unanimously demand that the 1999 Constitution (as amended) be decommissioned and set aside. New constitutional arrangements are required urgently to initiate the rebuilding of the country. The so-called “amendment” exercise by the National Assembly is nothing but a political distraction. The current exercise would be the 6th alteration to the 1999 Constitution (as amended) without any positive result in the country. 

The political class, which profits enormously from the dysfunctional constitution, would not be willing to support new constitutional arrangements. It is not a secret that most of the politicians place their selfish interests above that of the country. However, they are able to persist only for as long as the people permit it. The illegitimate 1999 Constitution (as amended) acknowledges in its Section 14 (2)a that “sovereignty belongs to the people of Nigeria from whom government through this Constitution derives all its powers and authority.” If sovereignty belongs to the people, why would the politicians not listen to the people? It is because the people have not spoken. Individuals and groups are speaking, but "the people" have not spoken.

If Nigerians are tired of suffering, it is time for the people to speak and demand new constitutional arrangements for the country. The 1999 Constitution (as amended) has been given 25 years to operate. That should be enough. The people should organize themselves to raise their voices all over the land against oppression, suppression, and regression.

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) should be congratulated for taking up the case of workers in the land, by demanding wage reviews. This is commendable, but it does not provide the answer that this season requires. The season does not demand salary increase. Rather, it is calling for a complete overhaul of governance. It does not matter how much wage increase NLC is able to negotiate, inflation will soon wipe it off. There was a time in this country when the monthly salary of a university graduate was N484.00. A brand-new car was sold for N4,804.00, while a three-bedroom flat could be rented at N200.00 per month. This was in the 80s. Today, all those goods and services are transacted in millions of Naira.

The current season in Nigeria is calling for new constitutional arrangements to renegotiate Nigeria. Why should a Federation have only one constitution? Each federating unit, whether it is state or region, should have its constitution, which it will use to negotiate its position within the union. As of today, there is no union. There is only a geographical area held together at gunpoint. If NLC, as the official representative of the Nigerian workers, is truly desirous of solving the problem of the workers, it should drop the agitation for salary increase and demand new constitutional arrangements for Nigeria. 

The combination of the voice of the Nigeria Labour Congress with that of the other trade/professional unions like ASUU, NBA, TUC, NASSU, NMA, NUJ, MAN, NUT, etc, and the voice of the ethnic nationalities will dismantle every resistance to new constitutional arrangements for Nigeria. The people have suffered enough.

Nigerians are not poor people requiring salary increase. They are freeborns whose sovereignty has been hijacked by hostile forces for the purposes of racial, cultural, and political domination. Therefore, the focus of Nigerians should be on regaining their sovereignty and liberty as a people. Consequently, agitating for salary increase while ignoring the weighty matter of the liberty of the people is not the perfect way to go for now. 

This prayer call is inviting all readers to become an advocate for the liberty of Nigeria. The 1999 Constitution (as amended) has become an instrument of oppression and regression in the country. The land is mourning because the people are in bondage. It is time to break the chains and dismantle the shackles of oppression. 

For additional information, readers might wish to refer to two previous prayer calls entitled "WHO OWNS NIGERIA " (Parts 1 & 2). This prayer call should be shared for awareness, mobilization, and prayers. As we pray, we must be prepared to speak out so that the ethnic nationalities will rise as one to put in place new constitutional arrangements for Nigeria. 

Our prayers must be backed with action. Faith without works is dead.


1.    Ps 124 
Thank God for sustaining Nigeria over the years. The attacks and conspiracies against the country have been many, but God in His mercy has sustained the country.

2.    Ps. 133 
Pray that God will pour the anointing of unity upon all the divergent groups in Nigeria so that they will act as one to give Nigeria new constitutional arrangements.

3.    Matt. 15: 13 
Pray that God will uproot any individual or group of individuals that stands in the way of new constitutional arrangements for Nigeria. Pray that such opposing persons shall be neutralized by the power of God.

4.    Isaiah 8:9–10 
Pray that every foreign nation that opposes the liberty and progress of Nigeria shall be broken in pieces and all their conspiracies nullified by God.

5.    Luke 10: 18 – 19 
Take authority over Satan and all the forces of darkness contending God’s purpose for Nigeria. Take authority over Leviathan and nullify all its powers with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

6.    Isaiah 26:9–11 
Pronounce judgment on all evil priests and priestesses servicing satanic altars and shrines in the country. Shut down every portal they have opened to hell.

7.    Isaiah 32:13–18 
Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit all over Nigeria, for the healing of the land and the restoration of the people. 











Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024


On 11th May 2014, exactly ten years ago, God caused a message to be delivered to His Church, as well as to Nigeria. Amongst other things, the message, tagged "THE WAKE-UP CALL," warned that the All Progressives Congress (APC) should not be permitted to form a government. The message specifically warned Christians in Nigeria, “do not dig the grave of the Church with your thumb”. The message urged Nigerians to beware of APC.

Propelled by the Spirit of God according to Ps. 68: 11, "The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it."  that message took on a life of its own and went viral. As it was being shared, it provided light and guidance to Nigerians. Eventually, APC discovered what was going on and approached a prominent Church leader in Nigeria to counter and nullify the message. The Church leader consented via a letter on 3rd October 2014. He described the message as, “wickedly false, unsubstantiated, ill-conceived and borne out of mischief.” 

Interestingly, the same Church leader had earlier endorsed the message. After the visit from APC delegation, he instructed those who had the CD of the message to dispose of it. His position was strengthened by the APC, which appointed a pastor from his denomination as its Vice-Presidential candidate and used the appointment to campaign that the party had no agenda of religious intolerance.

Following the intervention of that Church leader, some influential Christians went all out to campaign for “CHANGE”, and Muhammadu Buhari became President of Nigeria. Nigerians can now look back, after ten years of the WAKE-UP CALL, and review the consequences of the action of that church leader.

As a direct consequence of that letter, millions of Nigerians have allegedly been murdered in cold blood. Hajia Kalthoum Alumbe Jutami, the Hausa female Emancipator, has claimed in her messages that over seven million Hausa people were murdered in the eight years of President Muhammadu Buhari. (Adolf Hitler killed six million Jews during the Second World War.) Even if this figure was contested, the murderous activities of Fulani herdsmen, and the other Islamic terrorists, under APC, cannot be denied. Thousands of Nigerians have been kidnapped and treated in the most barbaric and inhumane manner. Millions of families have been pauperized while those who are able have fled the country. All national infrastructure have collapsed, and a whole election was hijacked in broad daylight. It is no longer strange to see Nigerians protesting on the streets, wailing, “We are hungry”. 
It was ten years of hell in Nigeria under APC.

The Lord, Who is plenteous in mercy, gave another word in June 2018 as the country was preparing for another election in 2019. That word was published and delivered at a Christian Conference held in Lagos. Amongst others, the word admonished that the apex body of Christianity in Nigeria should be re-organized. While the word in 2014 dealt with unbelievers, the word in 2018 dealt directly with the Church.

The Church was called upon by God to re-organize itself or lose control of the 2019 elections marking the next milestone in the 20-year cycle of God’s dealing with Nigeria. Rather than seek God’s face concerning the message, some Church leaders gathered in Abuja in July 2018 and denigrated the message.
Today, Nigeria is ruled by a Muslim-Muslim ticket.

Under the circumstances, what should Nigerian Christians do? Naturally, the first suggestion would be repentance. A lot of repentance has been done in the Church, and we thank God for that. However, there is a critical group in the Church whose concerted and public repentance is still outstanding. God deals with His people through their leaders and the condition of the leaders before God determines how He deals with His people. The problem on ground was caused by the leaders, therefore they must lead in the repentance. The Word of God makes clear that hell shall not prevail against the Church. However, what would happen if the gatekeepers themselves opened the gate for hell?

God spoke in Isaiah 1: 5 – 7 asking, ”Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint.  From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and  putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment.  Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence,”

Could anyone deny that this scripture aptly describes the current situation in Nigeria?

This is not a condemnation of Church leaders. What has happened has happened, but we need to work towards a solution. No stone should be left unturned in the effort to obtain divine intervention. Joel 2: 17 – 18 says, “Let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God? Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people.” 

We must acknowledge that Church leaders are also humans, capable of error of judgment. Therefore, if any infraction is committed by Church leaders, they should accept responsibility before God and repent. Since Church leaders teach Christians how to confess and repent, they should not be reluctant to do the same.

The Nigeria Church has learnt a bitter lesson, a lesson marked with blood and death. It is a lesson that should not be repeated. Genuine repentance by Christian leaders is the first step in ensuring that such error does not occur again.


1.    Prov. 1: 24 – 30 
The rejection of the counsel of God in 2014 by Church leaders became collective guilt upon the entire Church. Plead the blood of Jesus to atone for the rebellion of the Church in 2014. 

2.    Joel 2:17–18 
Pray for genuine repentance amongst church leaders so that God’s mercy shall be hastened over the land.

3.    Isaiah 52: 3 –
 Pray that the mercy of God shall prevail upon the Church and the nation.

4.    Ezekiel 21: 25 – 27
 Pray that God will uproot and overturn every wicked government in Nigeria and hand the throne over to a righteous ruler.

5.    Isaiah 28: 5 – 6 
Take authority over the gates of hell unleashed upon Nigeria by the APC. Shut the gates of hell and execute judgment on the forces of darkness wreaking havoc in Nigeria.

6.    Ps. 149: 5 – 9 
Come against the curses of sorcerers, enchanters, diviners, and prognosticators contending for the throne of Nigeria. Bind the evil spirits working with them and execute judgment on all their forces.

7.    Isaiah 32: 13 – 18 
Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the land for healing and restoration.








Monday 6th - Sunday 12th May 2024


In the prayer call of 25th – 31st March 2024, we posed the question above and drew attention to the need to resolve the constitutional dispute in Nigeria. In that prayer call, we pointed out that the 1999 Constitution (as amended) is of doubtful origin, and it is responsible for most of the crises in Nigeria. That prayer call identified four areas in which the 1999 Constitution (as amended) is dysfunctional and a liability to the Nigerian state:

1.    Insecurity
2.    Corruption
3.    Religious intolerance
4.    Unemployment & Poverty 

In a short viral video clip, Chief Nnia Nwodo, a former Minister of Information, and a former President of Ohaneze Ndigbo, said, “… 49 people selected to write a constitution, wrote a constitution. 40 people in the Supreme Military Council promulgated a constitution for us, under General Abubakar, a government in which I served. I was in the Executive Council; I never saw the draft constitution and I was Minister of Information. It was my responsibility to publicize it to the country. On the day of swearing-in of Obasanjo, we didn’t have a copy of the constitution. I didn’t know who was printing it and my Ministry was supposed to pay for the printing. And, Obasanjo was sworn on a constitution that has not been read by anybody. And the National Assembly could not be constituted until four days after his swearing-in because there was no clean copy of the constitution! You cannot build on quicksand. A country cannot live on falsehood.”

Based on the foregoing, those who claim that the 1999 Constitution (as amended) is an illegitimate and fraudulent document cannot be faulted. The 1999 Constitution (as amended) did not pass any credible test to be considered the sovereign document of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. To worsen matters, it has become the source of poverty, sorrow, and death to Nigerians. 

What should concern Nigerians now is how to resolve the constitutional dispute and ensure that the country obtains a legitimate constitution. There are four perspectives presently in the public space. They are as follows:

1.    Amendment of the 1999 Constitution by the National Assembly
2.    Adoption of the 2014 National Conference Report and its draft Constitution.
3.    Adoption of the 1963 Republican Constitution and amendment of the same to reflect current realities.
4.    A new Constitution developed by the ethnic nationalities.

There is a school of thought that suggests that the quickest way of replacing the illegitimate 1999 Constitution (as amended) is a return to the 1963 Republican Constitution after due amendments. This school of thought argues that this is the constitution that was negotiated by the ethnic nationalities led by the founding fathers of Nigeria. It was thoroughly debated at various constitutional conferences held in Lagos and in London before it was eventually approved at the Lagos Constitutional Conference which held on 25th – 26th July 1963. This is believed to be the authentic constitution of Nigeria.

It is argued that the 1963 Republican Constitution is still in force because it was only “suspended” by Gen. Ironsi’s Decree No. 1 of 1966. The 1963 Constitution was neither nullified nor abrogated. One immediate advantage in reverting to the 1963 Constitution would be reduction in the cost of governance. Under the 1963 Constitution, Nigeria was funding 5 governments: the Federal Government and the four regional governments. Under the 1999 Constitution, Nigeria is funding 812 governments from the Federation account when one adds up the Federal Government, the 36 state governments, the National Assembly and the 774 Local Governments. 

The enormous cost of running government is one of the reasons Nigeria cannot offer free education, free healthcare, and national infrastructure has collapsed. With a political class that is protected from prosecution by the “immunity clause” in the 1999 Constitution (as amended), all the arms of government engage in mad rush to loot whatever is in the national treasury. Consequently, Nigeria became the poverty capital of the world. 

There is another school of thought sponsored by the Nigerian Indigenous Nationalities Alliance for Self Determination (NINAS) that conference of the ethnic nationalities is indispensable to put in place new constitutional arrangements for Nigeria. NINAS has produced five-fold proposition to guide Nigeria into seamlessly developing new constitutional arrangements for the Federal Government and the federating units. 

On 16th December 2020, accredited delegates of the Nigerian Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities of the Southern and Middle Belt of Nigeria issued a declaration titled “Notice of Constitutional grievances, declaration of constitutional force majeure and demand for transitioning process for an orderly reconfiguration of the constitutional basis of the federation of Nigeria.” The declaration was signed by a total of 140 representatives of the South and Middle Belt areas of Nigeria. It was carried in full in the Guardian Newspaper on 21st January 2021.

On whichever side of the divide one stands, one thing is clear, Nigeria requires new Constitutional arrangements. The current 1999 Constitution (as amended) has been proven, beyond doubt, to lack legitimacy. Since sovereignty belongs to the people from whom government derives its power, it is imperative that Nigerians must unite to negotiate new Constitutional arrangements for the country.

The political class must be prevailed upon to place the interest of millions of Nigerians above their personal and political interest. It is possible to take a decision on this issue in 2024 while a transition arrangement can be put in place so that the current elected government officials can complete their tenure. 

This is a call for Nigerians to focus all their energy and attention on providing a lasting solution to the problems facing the country by going to the root of the problem. Sovereignty belongs to the people. Prayers should focus on dismantling the illegitimate and fraudulent 1999 Constitution (as amended) and the enthronement of the genuine constitution approved by the people for the people. 
Where there is a will, there is a way.


1.    Isaiah 10: 27
The 1999 Constitution (as amended) is an instrument of oppression, suppression, and regression upon the indigenous ethnic nationalities of Nigeria. Pray that every power of Satan that is sustaining this illegitimate and fraudulent document shall be nullified and destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ.

2.    Isaiah 27: 1; Ps. 74: 12 – 14 
Pray that every power and influence of leviathan in Nigeria shall be nullified and destroyed by the power of the Almighty God, in the name of Jesus.

3.    Zech. 4: 6 
Due to the promotion of personal and selfish interests, the political class would not want to support the decommissioning of the 1999 Constitution (as amended). Pray that the anointing of God shall break through every resistance. The anointing of God shall destroy the yoke of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

4.    Rev. 12: 11 
Pray that every blood sacrifice and occult ritual deployed to keep Nigerians docile and in bondage shall be nullified by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Pray that the Blood of Jesus shall answer their bloods.

5.    Isaiah 8: 9 – 10 
Pray that every foreign nation that is part of the conspiracy to undermine and enslave Nigerians shall have its peace and tranquility withdrawn.

6.    Isaiah 51: 9 – 10 
Pray for a stirring in the land, that many voices shall arise, demanding the abrogation of the 1999 Constitution (as amended). Pray for a stirring in the people and great indignation against every instrument of oppression in the land.

7.    2 Cor. 6: 2 
Make a righteous demand from heaven, by the Blood of the Lamb of God, that today is the day of the deliverance for Nigeria.


















Monday 29th April - Sunday 5th May 2024


In one of our previous prayer calls, we pointed out that three things defile a land and bring curses upon the people: 

1.    Adultery
2.    Idolatry
3.    Bloodshed

Of these three vices, the worst is bloodshed, because it is not easily atoned for. The only atonement provided in the Bible for the shedding of the blood of the innocent is the blood of the person who did the killing. “So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it.” (Num. 35: 33)

The relentless and ruthless shedding of the blood of innocent people in Nigeria strongly suggests that there is a deliberate sinister agenda behind it. It is therefore in our collective interest to understand the intention of those behind the massive shedding of blood, which has been ongoing for fifteen years in Nigeria. This issue should not be treated with levity.

Every empire is established upon the foundation of blood. The currency to pay for an empire is blood. All the Gentile empires mentioned in the Bible were established on the foundation of blood. The Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires were all established on the foundation of blood. 

This principle is not restricted to the Gentiles. To build the nation of Israel in Egypt, the foundation was laid on blood, the blood of the Passover lamb, as a type of the blood of Jesus. Going further, to build the eternal Kingdom of God on earth, the foundation was also on blood, the Blood of Jesus shed on Calvary.

In contemporary times, we see this principle playing out with the current superpowers in the world. The United States of America was built on the foundation of the blood of the native Americans, the “Red Indians”. Millions of those natives were slaughtered by the Caucasian race from Europe. To sustain the “American empire”, USA engages in global shedding of blood unparalleled in human history. No country on earth sheds blood like the USA, either directly through wars or indirectly through proxy wars manipulated by the USA. In some instances, the USA has been known to fund both conflicting parties, as it is currently doing in the Israel and Iran conflict. It is all about sustaining the American global empire through constant bloodshed.

Every human empire, irrespective of the price that was paid for it in blood, has a terminal date. There is no human empire that is eternal. The only empire that will last forever is the Kingdom of God built on the sacred and sinless blood of Jesus Christ.
Whenever a human kingdom is reaching the end of its tenure, if the beneficiaries of the kingdom wish to extend or renew it, they must shed double the amount of blood that was shed initially to establish that kingdom.  

It is a historical fact that Othman Dan Fodio had a dream in which he was told that the Fulani empire, which he established, would last two hundred years. The two hundred years lapsed some years ago. It is within this context that we should view the current Fulani sponsored bloodshed taking place in Nigeria. An empire that is supposed to be dead is being forcefully kept alive with the hope of extending its lifespan. Hence, the beneficiaries of the empire must double the blood that was shed to establish it originally. 

A Hausa female emancipator, Hajia Kalthoum Alumbe Jutami, alleged that millions of Hausas were killed in the eight years of Muhammadu Buhari's presidency in Nigeria. That is massive bloodshed. Even if one were to contest her claim, no one can deny the murderous activities all over the country, of the Fulani terrorists being cleverly called “bandits”. More than sufficient data is available in the media.

Under the circumstances, the indigenous ethnic nationalities must view with seriousness the continued plague of bloodshed in Nigeria. It should not be treated with levity. The experience of the “Red Indians” in America, as well as that of the aborigines of Australia, should serve as serious warning. Today, the aborigines do not have a voice in the parliament of Australia. A major referendum, which was held on 14th Oct. 2023, to give the aborigines a voice in the Parliament and government on issues that affect them was defeated, yet the aborigines are the owners of the land. 
The Nubians of Egypt were decimated to a tiny number while the Arabs took over the land and claimed to be Egyptians. The Nubians are dark skinned, like Nigerians.

Nigerians must recognize the far-reaching implications of the bloodshed taking place in the country and apply corrective measures immediately. In addition to ceaseless intercessions, the following preventive measures, amongst many others, should be considered:

1.    There must be a concerted effort to dismantle the Caliphate sponsored 1999 Constitution. A new constitution must come into effect in 2024. The indigenous ethnic nationalities should accept the challenge and responsibility of giving Nigeria a new constitution in 2024. Nigeria must be renegotiated.
2.    The current debate over State Police should be resolved quickly. The argument that state governors may abuse the power is untenable. After all, the national Police is under the president.
3.    There should be a deliberate program of sharing this information with Nigerians at every available forum. The awareness should spread to places of worship, schools, as well as in the social media. This is not "ethnic profiling", as some might guiltily wish to dismiss it. Available and irrefutable data strongly confirm that there is a sinister motive behind the bloodshed taking place in Nigeria. Seeking permanent solutions to the bloodshed that afflicted Nigeria in the past fifteen years cannot be dismissed as “ethnic profiling”.

For Christians, two Bible passages are instructive. They are:
1. My people perish for lack of knowledge. (Hos. 4: 6);
2. Faith without works is dead. (Jam. 2: 17).

Christians must seek a deeper understanding of the spiritual implications of events occurring in Nigeria and embark on deliberate programs of intervention to provide lasting solutions. Christians must not stop at prayers alone.
This season calls for the manifestation of the sons of God.
May God find us willing in the day of His power. Amen.


1.    Num. 35: 33; Gen. 9: 6
 Pray that God will raise a righteous government that will execute justice and judgment on those who conspire to shed blood in Nigeria.

2.    Rev. 16: 6 – 7 
Pray that the foot-soldiers and the sponsors of the bloodshed in Nigeria shall carry the consequence of all their blood shed in Nigeria. Pray that every spiritual consequence of the blood shall be heaped upon them and their house. 

3.    Num. 16: 31 – 35 
Pray that the fire of God will consume all the false prophets, sorcerers, diviners, necromancers, and enchanters manipulating blood to cast spells, deploy destructions, and curses upon Nigerians.

4.    Is. 49: 24 – 26 
Plead the blood of Jesus to nullify every satanic manipulation to exterminate and enslave the indigenous ethnic nationalities in Nigeria.

5.    The NT in Heb. 12: 24 provides the solution for appeasing blood that is calling for vengeance. Plead the blood of Jesus to cleanse Nigeria and atone for the blood of the innocent so that blood guiltiness will stop afflicting the land.
Pray that the blood of Jesus will assuage vengeance of the blood from calling for more blood.

6.    Ecc. 10: 8 
It is written, “He that diggeth a pit shall fall into it;” Pray that all those who conspired evil against Nigeria and the indigenous ethnic nationalities shall be consumed by the evil they unleashed.

7.    Isaiah 60: 18
 Proclaim everlasting peace upon Nigeria.








Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th April 2024


“What money cannot do; more money will do” is the unfortunate axiom of the current political leaders in Nigeria. Their leadership principle seems based on bribery and corruption. The consequence is a corrupt, decadent, and lawless country. As a common proverb goes, the fish rots from the head.

However, one might be unfair in heaping all the blame on the current set of leaders who were themselves products of a corrupt system. The Nigerian system was compromised right from Independence, when an ethnic leader claimed that the newly independent country was “an estate" of his great grandfather. That irresponsible and reckless statement set in motion unwarranted competition and distrust rather than cooperation and mutual trust in the new country. Events soon spiralled out of control leading to the 1966 coup, the civil war, and the military interregnum. It was during the era of the military that corruption became an institution in Nigeria.

An amusing but very unfortunate incident occurred around the ‘90s while the military was in power, and it underscores the mentality in Nigeria. A luxury bus travelling from Lagos to the East was waylaid by armed robbers along the Benin-Shagamu express road. The thieves ordered all the passengers to disembark and hand over their money and other valuables. One young man moved towards the rear of the bus and quickly stuffed his money into his sock leaving a dirty and ragged looking 50 Naira note in his hand. Unfortunately for him, one of the robbers saw him.

The robber accosted him and demanded his money. Tearfully, the young man presented the dirty currency note pleading that was all he had. He explained that he went to visit his sister in Lagos, but she had travelled. In fact, he told the robber, it was her neighbour who gave him money to return to Benin.

The armed robber looked at him contemptuously. With disgust written all over his face, the thief said, “simple honesty, simple honesty. That is the problem with this country, no one is honest. Ordinary bring out your money, you were hiding it in your sock. I saw you. Get out my friend, you are not an honest man. That is the problem with Nigeria, no one is honest.”

That was in the ‘90s. Fast forward to 2024 where the annual national budget was allegedly padded with trillions of Naira. The Senator who raised the alarm was suspended by the Senate. He was not an “honest” man in their midst.

The situation certainly would not have been this bad if the God-appointed custodians of moral standards in Nigeria, the Church, have not joined in the fray. In the past few years, the impression has been firmly established that the Nigeria Church is more corrupt than the world. Every attempt to call the Church to order is termed "rebellion" and the "promotion of disunity" in the Body of Christ. A generation of leaders appeared in the Nigeria Church, which, like the corrupt sons of Eli, “knew not the Lord” (Judges 2:10; 1 Sam. 2:12) These corrupt priests fraternize with corrupt politicians and endorse them publicly. 

Consequently, the Nigeria Church has lost moral authority. Now, perversions and pollution fill the sanctuary of the Lord. With the Church in such moral disarray, the country has had no moral compass to navigate its society in a godly and righteous manner. The bloodletting, corruption and immorality all over the country are the consequences of the loss of moral standard in the Church.

The challenge facing Nigeria Christians is to restore righteousness within the household of faith. This would require believers to take the stand of Paul against Peter in Galatians 2:11 – 16. It is not sufficient for Christians to pray about and condemn the evils in the land yet condone the evils and hypocrisy in the Church. The Lord expects His people to place His righteousness above everyone, for God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10: 34).

If Nigeria Christians continue to indulge in and accommodate sinful and corrupt church leaders (contrary to the will of God in 1 Cor. 5:12–13 and 1 Tim. 5:20), righteousness shall continue to elude Nigeria. The moral authority of the Church must be restored before it can fulfil its role as the conscience of Nigeria. Today, Nigeria operates without a conscience, at every level. The ugly situation will persist until the people of God arise in righteous indignation and begin to judge the evil within the Body of Christ. God established a pattern in Haggai 1:9-10 when He said, “Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.” The house of God cannot be in disarray while Christians expect God to tidy up their country.

A lot of prayers are going on, but faith must be combined with works for results to show (Jam. 2: 17.) It is insufficient for Christians to pray for a new Nigeria. They must also raise new leaders that “know the Lord”, leaders who will promote righteousness within the Body of Christ.

It is righteousness that exalts a nation. That righteousness must commence from inside the Church.


1).    John 1:9
The condition of the Church has resulted in collective guilt upon all Christians. Let us confess the failure of Christians in this generation to uphold the holiness and righteousness of God in the Nigeria Church.

2.    Matt. 16:18
Appeal to the Lord of the Church to step in and help Nigerian Christians to overcome the sons of Belial who daily pollute the Church.

3.    Jude 3 & 4
 Pray for the outpouring of the zeal of God, that Nigeria Christians shall become militant against corrupt and hypocritical Christian leaders.

4.    Hebrews 1:7
Pray for fresh fire upon Nigeria Christians, fire that will consume all dross and chaff in the Church. Pray that Nigeria Christians shall be on fire for truth and righteousness.

5.    Acts 5:1-11
Pray for the discipline of the Holy Spirit to restore the fear of God in the Church.

6.    Acts 13:1-4
 Pray that henceforth, the Holy Spirit shall raise leaders in the Nigeria Church. Pray that all leaders not appointed by the Holy Spirit shall be uprooted from leadership positions in the Church. Matt. 15:13

7.    Ps. 75: 6-7
Pray that God will promote and empower Spirit-filled Christians into positions of authority and influence in government as well as in the seven mountains of the society.









Monday 15th - Sunday 21st April, 2024


According to the Creator, it takes blood to wash away blood; either the blood of the guilty or a relation of the guilty (Genesis 9:5; 2 Samuel 21:1-14), for which blood will keep being spilt, or the redemptive blood of a vicarious one, an animal, in the Old Covenant (Deut 21:1-8) or the blood of the Lamb (Hebrews 12:24).  

“So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it” (Numbers 35:33).  

There has been a cycle of blood – in families, in communities, in the nation.  It is time to step out as priests of God in our various capacities to address those.  If a present generation can he held accountable for the bloodguilt of their ancestors (Luke 11:50-51), then a present generation can also time-travel into the past to clear inherited liabilities of blood (Leviticus 26:38-42). 

Prayer Points

1).  Genesis 4:15; Ezekiel 9:6 – The Mark of Preservation
In this season of so much bloodthirstiness, where old blood keeps crying for more blood, may we beseech the Lord for the mark of preservation, upon us and ours; upon the righteous and innocent.

2).  2 Kings 2:32-33 – Blood upon the Guilty and Declaration of Innocence
So many innocent people have suffered for blood that they had no hand in.  May we, like Solomon, begin to i) send blood back upon the heads of the guilty and their accomplices, as well as ii) declaring the exoneration of ourselves, our households, our thrones, our seeds from the consequences of blood seeds sown in our spaces.

3). Hebrews 12:24 – Judicial Appeal to the Higher Blood
Since it takes blood to cleanse blood, may we begin to apply the blood of Jesus to our consciences seared stiff against guilt and to our lands defiled many times over with blood.  Let us appeal for that blood to speak for us, for our land, better things that the reproaches being compelled by shed bloods.

4.  Hosea 4:6 – Requesting Wisdom in Dealing with Blood
Praying amiss can costly; not discerning one’s crisis and not knowing what to do about the symptoms can be deadly.  May we request the opening of the eyes in dealing with blood matters in our age.


The series of teachings titled "The Voice of Blood" ( Part 1 - 3) are available below:












Monday 8th - Sunday 14th April 2024


Medically, there are four major (or eight broad) blood groups, each classified according to whether or not the A and B antigens are present on the surface of the red blood cells.  They are blood groups A, B, AB, and O.  In spiritual hematology, there are five broad blood groups, classified according to the circumstances of their spillage: 

i)    Blood of War, spilled by law-enforcement agencies in the course their civil duties or by others in the course of self-defense (1 Kings 2:5), 

ii)    Innocent Blood - the blood of the guiltless shed in rituals, extra-judicial murders, assassinations, robberies, and by tyrants as well as by greedy professionals who cut corners and bring fatal accidents upon innocent people in open wells and collapsed buildings (Matthew 27:4; 1 Samuel 19:5; Deuteronomy 19:11-13), 

iii)    The Righteous Blood of saints and prophets martyred for their faith (Matthew 23:34-35), 

iv)    Accidental Blood of Manslaughter and other accidents not intended by the causer of death (Deuteronomy 19:4-7), and 

v)    The Guilty Blood of those who bring their death upon themselves through rebellion (Ezekiel 18:10-13).  

Against the backdrop of all these, the Bible warns, “So ye shall not pollute the land wherein ye are: for blood it defileth the land: and the land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it” (Numbers 35:33).  Something defiled and polluted cannot produce maximally.  Might that also explain some of our national and communal and personal retardations?  Political bloods, ritual bloods, jihadist bloods, abortions, etc.!

What is our answer to these? Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Hebrews 12:24).

Prayer Points

1).  1 Kings 2: 31-33 – May the Guilty Bear the Bloods
Solomon had to declare his ancestry’s innocence in the blood implications of Joab the Army Chief under his father David.  Next, he sent the consequences back upon the guilty.  Let us declare our innocence (where we are), and send blood back upon all the sponsors of jihad, kidnapping, political assassinations, etc.

2).  Numbers 35:33 – Discernment
May we pray for proper diagnosis of our many national and family crises, so we can apply proper therapies. It is waste of time cleansing a polluted land with fresh but ineffective fertilizers and helpless farming tractors. Ask discernment for spiritual and other leaders in handling the multiple crises of the time.

3). Numbers 35:33; Blood for Blood
May all who have loved blood, who have profited from the blood and tears of others, begin to drink of their own cups as God gives them blood to drink – in their palaces and in their caves. “For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy” (Rev 16:6).

4). Luke 22:38 – Enforcing the Right to Self-Defence
The enemies of justice and peace have systematically disarmed the innocent and strengthened their killers against them.  Peter carried a sword for physical defence all the time he followed Jesus the Son of God (Luke 22:38; Matthew 26:52-54), and Heaven had an army with weapons of war ready before the war came there (Rev 12:7).  May there begin to be administrative enforcements of people’s armed rights to self-defence against their marauding killers, and a reset to the theologically-induced passivity that makes people unfortunate preys.

5). Hebrews 12:24 – Invoking Blood against Blood
To the extent that it takes blood to cleanse or answer blood, may we as kings and priests apply the Blood of Jesus to every desolation and pollution arising from blood on the land.

The series of teachings titled "The Voice of Blood" ( Part 1 - 3) are available below:





Monday 1st  - Sunday 7th April 2024

The Crises of Blood on the Destiny of a Land: Nigeria

Genesis 4:11-12
11 And NOW art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand;
12 When THOU tillest the ground, it shall not HENCEFORTH yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.

Innocent blood may be concealed, but it does not leave the land of the killer without consequences.  Abel’s blood was concealed, but that did not spare the killer and his land.  Nigeria is daily drowned in bloods: from accidents caused by carelessness, ritual murders, politically and otherwise motivated assassinations, jihads, abortions, etc.  According to God the Creator, blood both pollutes and “defileth the land” (Numbers 35:33).  What is polluted does not yield maximum benefits.  Polluted water might seem to quench the thirst, but it can kill.  A defiled church might be full of members, yet far from God.  What the enemy cannot prevent, he tries to pollute.  Our land is destined for greatness but is threatened with seeds pollution by the enemy.


1). Psalm 51:2, 14 - REPENTANCE
Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. … Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God..,”
May we acknowledge guilt, where there is, and ask cleansing from bloodguiltiness, for self and the community.  Guilty as Cain was, he besought the Lord. May we not be too intelligent to repent.

2).  Genesis 4:15 – THE MARK OF PRESERVATION
...And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.”
May we request God’s mark of preservation from the beastly avengers of blood that sprawl the lands, preying on the blood of school children, disadvantaged youths, etc.

3). Genesis 4:11-22 – DISCERNMENT
And NOW art thou cursed from the earth … it shall not HENCEFORTH yield unto thee her strength …”
You cannot fight what you do not know; you cannot treat a disease you are unable to diagnose.  May we request divine insights into the calendars of dryness resulting from blood, so we can properly address them.  

4). Hebrews 12:24 – BLOOD FOR BLOOD
And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
It takes blood to cleanse blood (Numbers 35:33).  May we appeal to the higher Blood and the High Priest Jesus to intervene in our cases.  Let blood speak over blood.

For more information about the message on The Voice of Blood," kindly follow the YouTube link below for Part 1 of the message.



Monday 25th   - Sunday 31st March 2024


Yes, "the earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof" (Ps. 24), however, whom has God handed Nigeria over to? Acts 17: 26 says that God “… hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;” Each nation has a specific portion of planet earth allotted to it by God. It would be logical to conclude that Nigeria belongs to the indigenous ethnic nationalities. This conclusion may however pose a problem when we consider the next question: Who wrote the current Constitution of Nigeria?

The Constitution is the sovereign document of a state, determining how the country should be governed. It is produced by the citizens, if the country is free, or it is produced by a colonial power if the country is a colony. Under the colonial rule, Nigeria had such constitutions as the Clifford Constitution of 1922, the Richards Constitution of 1946, the Macpherson Constitution of 1951, and the Lyttleton Constitution of 1954. Nigerians did not produce the constitution of the country then, because they were under colonial rule. Now that the country has gained independence, who should produce the constitution of Nigeria? 

It is time to answer the question, "Who produced the 1999 Constitution for Nigeria?" Was it produced by Nigerian citizens or was it handed over to them? The reality that Nigerians must face is that some forces are brazenly saying that Nigeria does not belong to Nigerians. They have affirmed this by giving Nigeria a constitution that was not produced by Nigerians. After ending colonial rule on 1st October 1960, Nigeria entered another servitude which commenced on 29th May 1999. This is the reality on ground. What was not made public is the identity of the new colonial master.

To placate Nigerians and lull them into a false sense of security, the National Assembly was persuaded by the new “owners” of Nigeria to conduct regular “amendments” of the Constitution. This has become a ritual that each Assembly does to silence protests and create the impression that Nigerians have a say in the Constitution of the new colonial master. Since 1999, there have been five of such alterations to the Constitution. A few days ago, the National Assembly gave notice of the sixth amendment and called on Nigerians to submit memoranda. 

Did any of the previous alterations to the Constitution bring any meaningful change to Nigeria? The 8th Assembly in 2017 made thirty-two (32) amendments to the Constitution. Did it impact the country in any meaningful way? The 9th Assembly conducted its constitutional merry-go-round in 2020 and could not solve the problems of insecurity and poverty. As a matter of fact, after the 9th Assembly concluded its amendments, Nigeria officially became poverty capital of the world. In 2024, the new Assembly is calling for memoranda for another session of motions without movement.

The 1999 Constitution is at the root of the current calamities that have befallen Nigeria. This sovereign document, that was produced by a faceless colonial master, and imposed on the country by Military Decree 24, has locked Nigeria in a cage of violence and poverty. Nigerians may not come out unless they summon the political will to break the chains. We shall highlight four key areas in which the 1999 Constitution is a liability to Nigeria.

The pillar of corruption in the country is the “immunity clause” in the 1999 Constitution. The clause accords immunity to the President, Vice President, Governors, and Deputy Governors while they are in office. The immunity clause gives them protection from all civil and criminal prosecution no matter the crime they commit. They can only be tried after the expiration of their tenure. 
It is this immunity that birthed executive impunity in Nigeria. The President and the Governors can loot and mismanage without any fear of prosecution. The immunity clause prevents leadership accountability. Once the leaders are not accountable, the followers will naturally follow suit and the leaders will have no moral authority to query them.

The 1999 Constitution concentrates security in the central government. Nigeria is a Federation in which the federating units have no power to defend themselves. The State Governors are referred to as Chief Security Officers of the state, but the entire security apparatus is controlled from Abuja. In April 2016, Nimbo in Enugu state was attacked by terrorists. The Governor held security meetings with all security formations in the state to prevent the attack. After the security meeting and various assurances given to Governor Ugwuanyi, the terrorists struck. The Governor, as the Chief Security Officer of Enugu state, had no authority over the security forces.
In Nigeria, there is neither state nor community Police. Consequently, kidnappers, bandits, insurgents, cultists, armed robbers, ritualists, as well as drug dealers ravage the country unmolested. It is the 1999 Constitution.

The 68 items in the Exclusive Legislative List are commercial and developmental projects that only Federal Government can undertake. This list bars states from exploiting resources within their zones for development purposes. Each federating unit should be in control of its resources and pay royalty to the Federal Government. Consequently, Nigeria has resources that it is not adequately benefiting from. Too much responsibility is saddled on the Federal Government by a “colonial master” determined to control every aspect of the lives of Nigerians.

Nigeria obtained independence as a democratic country under Common Law jurisdiction. The National Ideology of Nigeria at independence was Parliamentary Democracy. The 1999 Constitution legitimized dual conflicting ideologies of Democracy and Sharia for Nigeria. Both are antithetical to each other. This was done without the consent of Nigerians. At present, Nigeria has joined Islamic countries like Bangladesh, Brunei, Gambia, Malaysia, and Pakistan in the classification of countries under Common Law and Sharia. Again, it was imposed by virtue of 1999 Constitution.
This Constitution is the bedrock of religious insurgency in the country. Religious terrorists will continue to bedevil Nigeria so long as the 1999 Constitution is in force. Sharia in the Constitution gives the Islamist insurgents legitimacy to operate in Nigeria.

On 18th March 2024, some eminent Nigerians, under the aegis of the Patriots Group, gathered in Lagos for a Conference commemorating 10 years of the National Conference. The Patriots Conference passed a resolution calling on the Government to adopt the report of the 2014 National Conference. The Report of the National Conference came with a draft new Constitution for Nigeria.

Every Nigerian must begin to agitate for a new Constitution. The National Assembly must be told in clear terms that another amendment of the 1999 Constitution is no longer required. What is paramount is for the National Assembly to legislate a bill for a new Constitution. The process will be fast-tracked by the adoption of the Report of the 2014 National Conference. Nigeria requires a new Constitution, not an amended Constitution.

For Christians, demand for a new Constitution should form a major prayer focus. It is for liberty that Christ has made us free. The yoke of bondage placed upon Nigeria through the 1999 Constitution must be destroyed so that Nigeria can be free to fulfil the mandate of God. Christians should specifically demand that in 2024, Nigeria shall have a new Constitution, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.


1).    Ps. 129: 1 – 8 
Thank God for preserving Nigeria despite countless attacks and afflictions.

2).    Isaiah 7: 4 – 7 
Decree by the authority of the word of God that every conspiracy of foreign nations to capture and dominate Nigeria shall not stand neither shall it come to pass.

3).    Isaiah 8: 9 – 10 
Pray that all the faceless forces, locally and internationally, that are behind the 1999 Constitution, shall be scattered and broken in pieces.

4).    Zech. 1: 14 – 17 
Pray that indignation shall break out from heaven and cover the earth against the 1999 Constitution. Pray for a stirring in the land that shall overwhelm the sponsors of the 1999 Constitution.

5).    Matt. 16: 19 
Take authority over every satanic manipulation designed to keep Nigerians docile and spellbound. Nullify all those works of darkness with the Blood of Jesus Christ.

6).    Gen. 9: 6 
With the blood of Jesus, silence the voices of blood crying for vengeance against Nigeria. Decree the judgment in Gen. 9: 6 upon everyone who has shed innocent blood in Nigeria.

7).    Isaiah 11: 1 – 4 
Pray that the Spirit of God shall brood over the National Assembly and compel the legislators to initiate the process for a new Constitution for Nigeria in 2024.

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