Sunday, 09 March 2025

B Blog



Monday 6th - Sunday 12th Jan. 2025


And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat (Gen. 3:6).

The story of humanity started at the Garden of Eden, so did human woes. As we commence another year, it would be good to retrace how humanity got into its present distress, and review what is called “the original sin” of man. At the beginning of this year, a look at the beginning of humanity might offer clues to a successful and peaceful year.

A literal reading of Gen. 3:1-2 shows that a “serpent” deceived Eve into eating the forbidden fruit. That has been the common belief over the ages. A deeper look at the root word translated “serpent” reveals something different. The Hebrew word translated “serpent” is nachash, sometimes pronounced “nahash.” It means, “serpent, shining one, one who shines”.  There are Bible scholars who believe that it was “a shining one” who spoke to Eve.  It says in 2 Cor. 11:14: ”And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.” Revelation 12:9 provides more clarification on the identity of the “serpent” when it says, “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world.”

The Scriptures confirm that the devil deceived Eve and she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17). After eating it, she gave the same to her husband, and he also ate. This is where the story gets interesting.  Was Adam also deceived by the devil? The Scriptures state emphatically in 1 Tim. 2:14, “And Adam was NOT deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.” Adam knew that the devil lied.  He knew that they were not supposed to eat of that tree, yet he went ahead to eat the fruit. Satan did not deceive Adam; so, why did Adam willfully disobey God?

We could reconstruct the Genesis account of the creation of man to give us a clearer picture of our aim in what might have been responsible for Adam’s choice. After the creation of man on the sixth day, God rested on the seventh. It was after the day of rest that God assigned Adam the responsibility of tending the garden and giving names to all the animals (Gen. 2:18-20).  We do not know how long it took Adam to give names to all the animals.  Zoologists spend years in the university to study animals, but Adam named them all. While undertaking that assignment, Adam was alone, and God confirmed that there was neither help nor companion for him. It was at that point that God created Eve and brought her to Adam.

Adam was put to a deep sleep from which he woke up to find a flawlessly beautiful woman by his side. There are many beautiful women in the world, but none could have been as beautiful as Eve. The reason is, when she was created, there was no sin, so her beauty was perfect and flawless. To a man, the most beautiful thing on earth is a woman, while to a woman, the most beautiful thing is a baby.  So, imagine a man who had been alone on planet earth suddenly being gifted with the most beautiful woman in the world!  For Adam, Eve could do nothing wrong. Whatever Eve wanted, she got from him. Satan watched and decided that Eve was Adam’s weakness.

That was where the problem of humans started. Adam loved the gift more than the Giver. As far as Adam was concerned, pleasing Eve came first.  Even though Adam knew that they should not eat the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and he had not been deceived by the lie of the devil, he could not say “no” to Eve. There was a contest in the Garden of Eden between God and Eve for the heart of Adam. Unfortunately, Eve won. God became furious and drove the two of them out of His garden. The gift must never replace the Giver.

That “original sin,” as we may describe it in this context, is repeated by many descendants of Adam in various ways, but the consequences remain the same. Whosoever places the gift of God above God vacates the garden of God.

Interestingly, this “original sin” is not committed by unbelievers only.  It is found amongst born-again Christians. There are regenerated Christians whom God has blessed with gifts which, unfortunately, have taken precedence over God. There are Christians who cried out to God for a good job.  Having got it, the job got more honored than the God who gave it. That person disdains God at the beginning of each week, going late to worship on Sunday, even though they are very punctual at work on other days. 

There are Christians whom God placed in important positions, but who ended up compromising truth and righteousness just to ‘keep their job’ and remain ‘relevant’ amongst their peers. Even when they know the righteous demands of God, they choose to forsake His standards and act in ways inconsistent with the will of God. Pleasing the job becomes more important than pleasing God the Giver of the job. Yet, if one should ask them where they would spend eternity, they would point in the direction of heaven. How can someone repeat the “original sin” and hope to be in the garden of God?

Examples abound of Christians who placed ministry, marriage, business, political appointment, children, including foreign visa, above the Giver. In so many ways, descendants of Adam keep re-enacting what occurred in the Garden of Eden, without considering the consequences.  Adam unwittingly turned Eve into an idol because, whatever one places above God becomes an idol to that person.  The sad truth is that, in our generation, many Bible-believing Christians have turned the gifts of God in their lives into personal idols. No idolater shall find favour before God.

As we commence another year, let Christians search their hearts. The gift of God must not replace God. The commitment and devotion of man to God must not be violated. In other words, in this New Year, PUT GOD FIRST.  On the scale of preference of many professing Christians, God occupies a lower place, meanwhile, they expect Him to put them first in His blessings. Some of those who desire God to take their matter seriously treat Him with levity and disdain. Whoever places the gift of God above God will vacate the garden of God.

May we not misplace our priority and end up losing favour with God. Pleasing God must come first in all things. In 2025, Put God First.

1.    Ps. 92:1-4     
Thank God for grace to enter 2025 peacefully and in good health. Thank God for grace to abide in the faith.

2.    1 John 1:8-10    
Confess every sin of placing personal interest above the command and purpose of God.

3.    Ps. 90:13-17    
Pray for restoration into God’s favour in 2025 in every area of your life where self-will or disobedience might have affected God’s favour.

4.    2 Cor. 5:18-19    
Christ came to reconcile God and humans. Pray that the blood of Jesus will cleanse you from every controversy with God, and restore you into the fulness of divine favour in 2025.

5.    2 Cor. 6:14-18    
Pray for personal consecration in 2025, so that your obedience to God shall be perfect.

6.    Ps. 128     
Pray that all members of your family shall walk before God and be perfect in 2025 and retain favour of God.

7.    Joel 2:21    
Pray for Nigeria, that in 2025, God shall restore the country into divine favour. 

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
