Monday 24th - Sunday 30th March 2025
Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Cor. 2:11)
After the recent declaration of the State of Emergency in Rivers State, a public analyst, Dr. Charles Apoki, made a short videocast on the development, in which he described the declaration as “state capture”. What does “state capture” mean? “State capture” by whom, and for what purpose? While one might agree on Dr Apoki’s analysis of state capture, who has captured the state might not entirely be the President. There are other forces that have long determined to capture the entire Nigerian state for racial, cultural, and political domination through the manipulation of religion.
Nigeria Christians should be reminded that there has been a sinister conspiracy to capture the entire country, not just one state in the country. Rivers State happens to be one of the key states that must fall before the entire country would be in the net. Those who link the State of Emergency with preparations for 2027 elections are correct, but they might not be aware of the full picture.
The sponsors of the politics of religion in Nigeria, in their goal to turn Africa into an Islamic continent, identified seven African countries that should primarily be Islamised: Nigeria, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Congo, and South Africa. Of those seven countries, the most important for them is Nigeria. Since 1983 when the OIC formulated that strategy in London, surreptitious moves were started, to undermine democracy, good governance, and freedom of choice in Nigeria. At present, the sponsors of the politics of religion seem to have found a candidate who would do anything to remain in power.
In a recent prayer call entitled “The Frog in the Pot,” reference was made to a leaked letter which was purportedly written by the Islam in Africa Organization to a leader of Nigeria many years ago. Salient instructions in that letter include, amongst others:
• Place total ban on all forms of worship by Christians, …
• Impose Sharia law on Nigeria, Islamise all universities, colleges and schools and courts of law in the Federal Islamic Sultanate of Nigeria
• Formally proclaim the National Republican Convention, NRC the only national ruling Islamic Political Party and phase out the Social Democratic Party, SDP (which is a party of infidels.) …
It should be remembered that Islam in Africa Organization (IAO) organized the Abuja Conference that produced the communique entitled, “Abuja Declarations 1989”. That letter surfaced in 1990.
Some people might object that SDP could not have been referred to as a “party of infidels” because it fielded a Muslim-Muslim ticket of MKO Abiola and Babagana Kingibe, like the current APC ticket of Tinubu and Shettima. In both instances, it was a Yoruba and Kanuri ticket. What those people who object might not realize is that, to the power brokers in Nigeria, “infidel” does not refer exclusively to non-Muslims but also to non-Fulanis. It is now common to hear the “North” claim that Yoruba Muslims are not real Muslims.
The chosen party of the sponsors of the politics of religion then was the NRC. That might also be why the popular June 12 election was annulled. The “anointed” party did not win. The party of the “infidels” won. If NRC had won the election in 1993, that election might not have been annulled.
Another person might point out that if the instruction from Islam in Africa Organisation (IAO) was that SDP should be “phased out”, how come SDP still exists but NRC, the supposedly “anointed” party, is extinct? The answer was provided by the National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) in one of its papers. At independence, there were three dominant political parties in the country: the Northern People’s Congress (NPC), the Action Group (AG), and the National Council of Nigeria and the Cameroons (NCNC). Both AG and NCNC collapsed into NPC due to the greed and carelessness of the leaders of the indigenous ethnic nationalities. Thereafter, every major party that has formed the government in Nigeria has been a mutation of NPC. The NCEF described NPN as NPC 1, PDP as NPC 2, while APC is NPC 3. It is NPC that has been ruling Nigeria since Independence because of the greed of the leaders of the indigenous ethnic nationalities. They were always willing to sell out. So, NRC was stepped down, but it was replaced by PDP while PDP was replaced by APC. It is NPC 3 (APC) that wants to institutionalize a one-party state.
There is an acceleration of the one-party state in Nigeria, and neither SDP nor PDP appear to be the “anointed” party. There are worrisome signals that even PDP and Labour Party are under threat. The current anointed party is APC. Note the number of politicians decamping to the APC.
A former governor of Sokoto State, Alhaji Attahiru Bafarawa, warned President Tinubu to desist from attempts to create a one-party state. In the news report carried by Daily Trust of 25th February 2025, “He also warned against attempts to create a one-party state, calling it a dangerous path that could lead to instability,” stating that “Nigeria cannot afford a one-party system. A strong democratic order is essential for national progress and for future generations.” ( Where did the idea for a one-party state come from? A letter from the Islam in Africa Organization (IAO) advocated that Nigeria should transmute into a one-party Islamic state. It is against that background that the development in Rivers State should be viewed.
The most astonishing aspect of the unfolding scenario is that the people most threatened by the conspiracies of the sponsors of the politics of religion are the ones some of whose leaders, for pecuniary gain, are the greatest supporters of those behind the plot. So much information has been put out into the public domain, enough to have cautioned Church leaders and the Christian elites, as well as spur Christians into proactive steps to counter the conspiracy. So far, there has been an indifferent response from the quarters where virile counter actions are expected.
In September 2013, God sent a word, that if care was not taken, in 30 – 40 years, Nigeria would be like Turkey. After giving that word, God made sure that it was published worldwide to wherever Nigeria Christians were. In 2013, twelve years ago, no one would have imagined the calamities, disasters, and tragedies that have befallen Nigeria. If people were told in 2013 about the horrors that APC would unleash upon Nigeria, they would have insisted, “it is impossible”. If Nigerians were told that the 2023 election would be brazenly hijacked and Nigerians would be helpless to stop it, it would have sounded outlandish. What about the hike in fuel price from N87 in 2013 to N1,050 in 2025? Whoever “prophesied” these in 2013 would have been dismissed as a prophet of doom. Twelve years after the warning that Nigeria could be Islamised like Turkey (Constantinople), the only Christian Chapel in Aso Villa no longer observes Sunday worship since the Muslim-Muslim ticket came into power. Christianity has been locked out of the seat of power. Where does it now have influence in the country? Meanwhile, there is no evidence that Church leaders are alarmed. On the contrary, they are breaking bread with Islam.
Rather than take steps to protect the Church, some Church leaders give the impression that the master they now serve is not the one who went to the cross at Calvary. In Matt. 6:24, Jesus Christ said, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Nigeria now has a generation of Christian leaders who see nothing wrong in breaking bread with Islam. They dine at the table of the Lord and dine at the table of Allah, all worrisome indications that should make any God-fearing person to tremble for the Church.
It is true that God has promised a “new Nigeria,” but every promise of God is conditional. When God makes a promise, humans must measure up to the requirements of God for the promise to be fulfilled.
This call is an alert for intercessors not to relent in prayers for the Church and the country. The enemies are both inside and outside the Church. The worst enemies are those in the Church, because they possess the capacity to neutralize the Church from within. Once the Church is compromised from within, it would be unable to resist the enemies from without.
Christian, seek not yet repose. The real enemy is closer to you than you think.
1. Rev. 3:15-19
Repent for the laxity and lukewarmness that currently characterize the Nigeria Church. Ask God’s forgiveness for the lack of zeal for righteousness in the Church.
2. Is. 54:15-17
Nullify, with the blood of Jesus, every projection of sorcery and enchantment directed at making Christians timid, docile, and disunited. Pray for the spirit of boldness to rest upon Nigeria Christians.
3. Jer. 6:13-15
Pray that God will uproot and dismiss every Church leader who, because of greed, places personal interest above the interest of Jesus Christ and His Church.
4. Ez. 34:7-10
Pray that God would speedily judge every Christian leader who compromises the unity and the protection of the Church.
5. 2 Cor. 12:9
Pray that the grace of God shall prevail in every area in which the Nigeria Church is weak and vulnerable.
6. Is. 29:5-6
Pray that God would judge and destroy everyone in the conspiracy to destroy Christianity in Nigeria.
7. Is. 4:4-6
Pray for fresh fire of the Holy Spirit to be poured upon the Nigeria Church for purging and for revival.