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Monday 9th - Sunday 15th Dec. 2024


Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you: And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants (Lev. 18:24-25).

On Wednesday 4th December 2024, the National Prayer Altar held a press conference in Lagos to address the vexing issue of moral decadence and sexual perversion in Nigeria. The press conference was a follow-up to the issues raised in Part 1 of this discourse. Excerpts from that press conference make up this prayer call. 

At present, Nigeria is reeling under the crushing weight of social disorder, injustice, corruption, and the unimaginable suffering of the populace. A lot of prayers have been said and are still being said. While we thank God for the prayers, the situation seems to be getting worse. God pointed out in Isaiah 59:1-2 that His hands are not too short to save, neither His ears too heavy to hear, but sin causes God to hide His face. 

Mercifully, God is shining His light to show Nigerians, particularly the Christian intercessory community, where the problem lies. Politicians are not too strong for God to handle them, neither are the terrorists too mighty to be neutralized. Satan has smuggled into Nigeria an abomination that he knows will incur the wrath of God. That abomination is explained in Lev. 18:24-25. The Amorites who committed it then were cast out of the land of Canaan and Israel moved in to take their place, but not without being warned not to make the mistake of those they had replaced.  Israel ignored the warning, and was also cast out. That abomination is what God is pointing to in Nigeria. We may now understand why foreign terrorists have multiplied in Nigeria, each group bent on land-grabbing. The signal seems to have gone off in the spirit realm that there is a land available for them to take over.

Sadly, through the unfortunate patronage of some western nations, the obnoxious counterculture that expresses itself as homosexuality, lesbianism, cross-dressing, and all the weird contours accommodated under the deplorable LGBTQ umbrella, is fast spreading in Nigeria, and the populace is being subtly desensitized to its social evils by describing it as a “lifestyle.”  The Bible calls it sodomy.

That behaviour is unacceptable to us because our culture forbids, our religions forbid it, and our law has proscribed it.  Unfortunately, many in the upper rungs of the social ladder have been publicly implicated.  Strangely, they have not denied it publicly.

Nigeria has many problems.  While we work to improve the country, we should not open the door to additional problems. Sodomy does not promote any land; it incurs the wrath of God.  The nations that promote sodomy are gradually declining. 

As people of faith, we affirm that “righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.” Sodomy is sin against God and humanity. As watchmen, we publicly confess, repent of, and renounce sodomy in Nigeria. We condemn LGBTQ in all its ramifications, as well as its sponsors in the country.  

In Leviticus 18 God warns that sexual perversion pollutes the land, forcing it to “vomit” its inhabitants. Nigerians have been emigrating in droves through borders and through the many mass mass graves that dot our landscape. Is the land already vomiting its inhabitants?

God warned that when the polluted land vomits its inhabitants, a new race will take it over. In the past few years, various land grabbing terrorist groups have begun to play that role: Boko Haram, Fulani ‘herdsmen’ militia, Al Qaeda, ISWAP, bandits, and lately, Lakurawa.  Is the consequence of sodomy starring Nigeria in the face? That is an existential threat.

According to Rom. 1:26-28, when a people wilfully reject the knowledge of God, He hands them over to a mind that is depraved, degenerate, and perverted.  When the Nigeria Church transferred allegiance from Christ to Mammon, under the guise of the “prosperity message”, the Church provoked the spirit of jealousy (Ez. 8:3). The proliferation of sexual perversions in Nigeria came with the prosperity message. It is time to return to the message of the cross of Jesus.

At the press conference, the National Prayer Altar made the following recommendations: 
1.    Sunday 15th December 2024 to be declared a day of prayer and fasting for the sins of sodomy, sexual perversion, and all doctrinal errors in the Church.
2.    Government should strengthen legislation against sodomy by including “cross dressing” in the 14-year jail term for homosexual offenders. Those who promote or justify homosexuality should also be prosecuted under the same law.
3.    Homosexuality and lesbianism, having already been criminalized in Nigeria, should not be considered “freedom of choice,” for the same reason that drug trafficking and armed robbery cannot be classed under freedom of choice.
4.    The National Film and Video Censors Board should ensure greater policing of entertainment materials in the country.
5.    The Ministry of Education should ensure that compromising materials are removed from the curricula of schools, and there should be greater monitoring of school dormitories.
6.    Nigerians should expose politicians and religious leaders who engage in homosexuality, and they should be barred from public offices.
7.    Foreign NGOs that sponsor deplorable projects in Nigeria should be exposed and prosecuted. 
8.    Parents should activate “home training” for their children. Godly character-building should commence from the homes. All Christian families should ensure they have family devotion to instill Godly values in the children.
It is written, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Pro. 14:34).

1.    Ez. 9:3-4 
Condemn and renounce sodomy and sexual perversions in Nigeria. Proclaim before God that you are not part of it neither do you endorse it in any way.
2.    Isaiah 29:6-8 
Pronounce judgment upon all who sponsor and promote LGBTQ in Nigeria. Decree that only they shall bear the consequence of their evil actions.
3.    John 8:34-36 
Ask God’s grace for repentance and deliverance for those entrapped but wiling to be free. 
4.    Eph. 1:7 
Plead the blood of Jesus to cleanse and justify Nigeria from the destructive consequence of sodomy.
5.    Nahum 3:4-6 
Pray that any preacher involved in sodomy or lesbianism shall be exposed in the name of Jesus.
6.    Jer. 3:15 
Pray that Nigeria shall have a new generation of leaders that will promote Godly family values and righteousness in governance.
7.    Isaiah 54:13 
Pray that God shall shield children and youths them from the evil influence of LGBTQ.

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