Saturday, 27 July 2024

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 Is anything greater than praying? Is prayer not the master key that opens all doors? the omnipotence that moves all mountains? Why do we not have revivals in our churches? Is it not because we do not pray? Why is our land oppressed? Why do the wicked rule us? Is it not because we do not pray?


If a man or woman does not know himself/herself or who he/she truly is, nine out of ten times, he will take the wrong decision. That is why spiritual knowledge is very crucial.


Does the day’s news ever make you question, even if just for a moment, God’s authority in the world? I’m guilty of at least asking the question now and then, and I doubt I’m the only one. To some extent, I think it’s only natural given the increasingly unstable nature of the world today.


 The House of Representatives is presently considering what perhaps qualifies as the most dangerous piece of legislation to come before the National Assembly since the return of civilian rule in 1999. It is the NGO Regulation Bill sponsored by the Deputy Majority Leader of the House, Umar Buba Jibril. The bill is stunning in its audacity, far-reaching in its scope and a danger to elective government in Nigeria. It should not be allowed to pass.


 In some Christian circles, repressing or disavowing authentic emotions is considered a virtue or perhaps even a gift of Spirit. Denying anger, ignoring pain, skipping over depression, running from loneliness, and avoiding doubt are not only considered normal but actually virtuous ways of living out one’s spiritual life.


Dear Roger,

My friend, Barbara, is dying with breast cancer. What complicates matters is that she’s also pregnant. The doctors have told her that she must have chemo if she’s going to live. Unfortunately, chemo will kill the baby. They recommend aborting the baby. Her husband agrees.


All of us, whether young or young at heart, married or single, mother or not, will encounter conflict in our lives. The way we handle conflict becomes either an amazing opportunity to give God glory in how it is resolved, or a thorn in our side that we struggle to get right.


The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) was at the Senate on Tuesday 25th July 2017 for a meeting with a delegation of Southern and Middle Belt Christian Senators.


 Do you know your spiritual authority in prayer? 

I went to church for years and never heard about the devil. It's not fun talking about him, and I don't ever want to put too much focus on him. But the truth is, we have an enemy. First Peter 5:8b (AMPC) says, "...That enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour."


I read the write up with the above caption though the source is unknown.  I don't know if it's a deliberate act or it was intentionally hidden by the author to hide identity .First flaw out of many I noticed in the article is in Nigeria we don't spell Honour as "Honor" but "Honour'. We speak  British English  and not America.



Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.



Your Excellency, I wish to express my gratitude (NCGF), and that of the leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) on behalf of Christians in Nigeria for your quick response to our request for audience over the fate of Christian Religious Studies (CRS) in the current 9-Year Basic Educational Curriculum. Your prompt reaction shows how much importance you attach to this matter as of urgent National attention. I recall it was a fortnight ago we made this request. Thank you for granting us audience. In our letter, we did say, we will bring to your notice our observations, worries and fears as well as our position on the vexing issue. 



This is to bring to the notice of the entire world and community of believers around the world that to the Glory of God and to the utter shame of the devil, Aisha, a 14 year old Hausa Christian Girl that was kidnapped, detained, forcefully converted to Islam, denied her parents access to her for all these while, married off to her kidnapper and subjected to all forms of abuse and maltreatments as a Christian minor has been released to the VOICE FOR THE EMANCIPATION OF THE HAUSA CHRISTIANS IN NIGERIA (VEHCIN) yester night (19th July, 2017) at the Kaduna State Police Headquarters under the prudent and excellent  supervision of the National Human Right Commission.


I committed my life to Christ in the summer of 2000. I was 11 years old. Though young, having been raised in a Christian home, I understood the implications of such a commitment. As it goes with conversion experiences, my meeting with Christ, the Son of God, was quite dramatic. However, in the coming months, I was to experience numerous intense and transformative divine encounters.


 Every church has trouble sooner or later.

Churches sometimes have difficulty getting enough members together to make up a quorum for a business meeting. But there’s one easy way to get far more than a quorum: Announce a moral scandal, a doctrinal controversy, or an impending church split. The sanctuary will be jammed with people.


By age 34, Nasir Siddiki, a successful businessman, had made his first million, but money meant nothing to him on his deathbed. Diagnosed with the worst case of shingles ever admitted to Toronto General Hospital , his immune system shut down and doctors left him to die.

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