Friday, 14 March 2025

B Blog



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God Is About to Open Doors

The Lord is saying to me that there's some of you who have pressed and pressed to see the doors open for you, but it just seems like they just won't get open.

I feel from the Lord to tell you, don't be discouraged. God is going to open doors for you that no man can shut. Don't let the enemy come in and rob your joy. Don't let the enemy come in and tell you it's never gonna happen.

For the Lord would say, "Do not be discouraged, because I am working behind the scenes to do things you can't know. I am moving chess pieces, as it were, behind the scenes so you can have a checkmate so you can do what you need to do—for your business, for your schooling, for your house and for your dreams."

The Lord says, "I am a dream maker." God is going to release a new ability to dream. It's time to dream again.

And the Lord says, "Don't let Satan steal those visions and those things I have put in your heart. It's time to rise up and say no to the voice of the enemy that would say to you, 'Oh, it's never going to happen.' This is the time for the violent to take it by force. Stand up and decree, 'No! I will have my doors open. I will have my breakthrough.'" 


From: Charisma 

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