Just a few nights ago, I had a powerful prophetic dream. I believe this is a word for the body of Christ. In the dream, I looked up and saw a beautiful blue sky with many clouds. Above me were two large doors. Then I heard the Lord say, "People are always praying for Me to open the doors. But what I want is for people to diligently seek and earnestly seek Me." Hebrews 11:6 says, "[God] is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." There are several translations that say He rewards those that earnestly seek.
As the dream continued, the scene shifted, and I was above the doors looking down. I then saw both doors swing wide open. As the doors opened, a very bright light came pouring out of the doors and filled the earth. Then, the scene shifted again and I saw a desk calendar. The desk calendar was huge, about the size of a basketball court. The month of April is a strategic month for me because I have set apart this entire month to seek the Lord. The Lord instructed me at the very beginning of this month to set myself apart to seek Him and not travel or do anything else during April.
The Lord also showed me that a new day was dawning for me personally, and for the body of Christ at the end of April. But in the dream, as I looked at the very large desk calendar, I could see all of the dates on it and a lot of writing on many of the dates. I then felt the wind of God come from behind me, and it blew everything off of the calendar. Then I heard the Lord say, "Now, it is just you and Me in the month of April." I knew as soon as the Lord spoke this to me that everything I had previously been planning and arranging with different people and ministers that all of those things were supposed to be put on hold. Then, in the dream, I could see the month of May on the calendar, and it was shining so brightly that I couldn't see anything on the calendar. The Lord spoke to me and said, "You will not know what is in May until May because April is the month I want to use to prepare you." Then the dream ended.
Remember at the beginning of the dream, as the doors swung open, a bright light came pouring out of the doors. Then the Lord cleared the calendar in April, because what is coming is much greater. This same bright light is the one that was radiating out of the month of May on the calendar. April is a month for the body of Christ to set aside everything else and allow the Lord to prepare us for what He had in store for us next. April is a very strategic month that we must set aside to seek the Lord.
Never underestimate the part you have to play in what God is ready to do in the earth. What God has called you to may seem small in your eyes now, but there is an expansion coming to those who are diligently seeking the Lord. This is a time-sensitive, strategic word from the Lord. We must heed this prophetic word now, in the month of April, so that we will be ready for what will be released in May. I encourage you, allow the Lord to clear your calendar this month and set yourself apart for the month of April.
Posted form : Charisma Magazine