الأربعاء، 05 شباط/فبراير 2025

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"Probably They Would Have Had Brown Eyes..."

"Probably They Would Have Had Brown Eyes..."

Elaine Rotondo is a homemaker and a freelance writer. She and her husband, Ronald, have three daughters; they live in Sebastopol, California. In January, 1990, her poignant story appeared in Decision magazine: Our third little girl completed our family, a special blessing. As I held her in my arms, I marveled at how God works His purpose in our lives.

But driving home from the supermarket one afternoon, I found myself thinking an\bout two other children from my past. Those two I had never fussed over. In fact, I had tried to forget them entirely. Before now I had not even called them children. I had called them abortions. When I became a Christian, I understood that abortion was a sin, and I had asked God to forgive me. But I ha d never felt sorry over the loss of those little ones. Pulling my car to the shoulder of the road, I sat for some time, my moist fingers wrapped tightly around the steering wheel. Now I let my thoughts venture into a place they had never gone. “How old would they be now?” I wondered. They probably would have had brown eyes, as their living sisters do. I fought off the sickening reality that was rising in my mind. The full impact of what I had done so many years before was finally upon me. “They were alive,” I said out loud. “They were real children!” Shame washed over me like a dense, heavy wave. But as the tide of pain rose, I also felt the Lord’s presence. This was too terrible for me to face alone; He would face it with me. God held me up in the moment of that horrible truth: I had taken life from my own children! In my heart I cried out to the tiny souls who never had felt their mother’s arms. I had never mourned these children. Now I longed for them. But it was too late. The pain was almost unbearable. I wept for a long time, wishing the very mountains would cover me and hide my guilt. Then I remembered Jesus. “The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5, NIV). This was why He had died, to pay the price of sin for me. Looking over the seat, I gazed intently at my three -month -old daughter sleeping soundly in her car seat. She was so fresh and alive! “Thank you, Jesus,” I whispered. “You are so good to me.” Are you suffering from the guilt of having committed abortion? Are you laboring under the yoke of an unconfessed sin? Why not come to Jesus Christ with repentance so that you can receive forgiveness. The Word of God says, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37 Come to Jesus Christ today, and experience the cleansing power in the blood of the Lamb of God.

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