Monday 20th - Sunday 26th Jan. 2025
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever (Revelation 11:15).
In the prayer call of 11th – 17th December 2023, we wrote a treatise entitled “THE BATTLE FOR THE THRONE”. In that earlier prayer call, we pointed out that every kingdom has a throne, and whoever controls the throne controls the kingdom.
As Nigeria draws close to another election season, it is important to clarify the goal of Christian involvement in the political process. Emerging signals reveal that some Christians do not see any problem with whoever wields power in the country, so long as that person is their preferred candidate. Having one’s preferred candidate in power is one thing, building the Kingdom of God on earth, is another.
Christ left His disciples with two major assignments:
1. Soul winning
2. Establishing the presence and power of the Kingdom of God on earth
There are two spiritual kingdoms operating on the earth. They are the Kingdom of God, headed by Jesus Christ, and the kingdom of the world, headed by Lucifer, as the prince of the world. The assignment of Christians on earth includes promoting the principles and practices of the Kingdom of God in preparation for the return of the Master Who will establish its fulness on earth. For this reason, Jesus Christ taught His disciples to pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven" (Matt. 6:10).
For Christians, therefore, it is not sufficient that a preferred person is the president, or that a president has good policies. Christians should be more concerned with, “which kingdom is ruling Nigeria? Is it the Kingdom of God or the kingdom of the world?" That is easy to answer simply by observing the policies and actions of the government.
Since Independence in 1960, access to the throne of Nigeria has been through the “law of iniquity”. Successive governments have come into power through dubious, wicked, and treacherous actions. The results of such governments have been deceits and acts of wickedness. It says in Psalm 94:20-21, "Shall the throne of iniquity have fellowship with thee, which frameth mischief by a law? They gather themselves together against the soul of the righteous, and condemn the innocent blood." This Bible verse summarizes the character of successive governments in Nigeria. The country is yet to have a government that can be considered righteous.
The purpose of God is that a government shall emerge in Nigeria reflecting the character of the Kingdom of God. According to Psalm. 89:14, four pillars uphold the throne of God, and these are: “righteousness, justice, mercy, and truth.” "Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face." (NKJV)
God desires that the law of access to the throne of Nigeria must be through righteousness, justice, mercy, and truth. These four values have been lacking in the process of emergence of successive governments in Nigeria. Consequently, governance has been by subterfuge, wickedness, corruption, and bloodshed.
The task of the Church is to facilitate the emergence of a government that will reflect the character of the throne of God so that Christ would be enthroned upon Nigeria. No matter the intercession and supplication of the saints, Christ will neither sit on, nor endorse, a throne of iniquity. The throne must be established by righteousness before Christ will honour it with His Presence. Until Christians unite and organize to produce a righteous government, it is not possible to claim that Christ reigns over Nigeria. Undoubtedly, God intervenes in our national affairs and that is the reason the country has not imploded. However, the consequence of the throne of iniquity in the land is starring all citizens in the face. Presently, wickedness and iniquity are running the affairs of Nigeria.
Under the circumstances, what should be the response of Christians? Should some Christians still work to support the throne of iniquity, under the guise that it promises to do some good work? Or should they cooperate with the Holy Spirit to birth a righteous throne for the country?
These questions become pertinent because of a disturbing trend in Christian engagement in politics. Most Christians who participate in politics and governance seem not to know the difference between the throne of iniquity and the throne of righteousness. To some Christians, government is government. Some Christian leaders are secular in their political engagements. They forget that it is Nigeria that is secular, the Church is not. The Church recognizes the secularity of the State, out of respect for other citizens’ freedom of worship, but the Church itself is not secular but sacred. Therefore, when some Church leaders and some Christian elites endorse a government that gained access into power through the law of iniquity, those Christian leaders present themselves as enemies of the Kingdom of God (James 4:4). Anyone who joins Lucifer to strengthen a throne of iniquity cannot claim to belong to Jesus Christ.
Therefore, those Christian leaders whose politics tilts towards worldliness should reappraise their stand. Their commitment in the world will determine their position in eternity. It would be impossible for an individual who spent his life defending and promoting the throne of Satan to expect that Jesus Christ would welcome him into the Kingdom of God. This is probably one of the reasons the Lord will reject many of those who served Him.
Jesus Christ declared in Matt. 7:21-23, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
Some of those that the Lord will reject could have served Him meritoriously, but classified as “workers of iniquity,” they would be rejected from eternal life. Their association with the throne of iniquity while on earth would be used to judge their eternal reward. Anyone who supports Lucifer to strengthen his kingdom can never receive eternal rest in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. On that day of judgment, money would be meaningless.
This is one of the reasons we are appealing to Church leaders and Christian elites to join in the efforts to enthrone a righteous ruler over Nigeria. The current political class is corrupt and discredited. Their politics is characterized by deceit, occultism, unrighteousness, and every manner of abominable work. It is embarrassing that some prominent Christian figures in the country support them and are canvassing support for them to remain in office.
The Christian community can produce righteous leadership for Nigeria, but the Church must unite. The key element in delivering a throne of righteousness for Nigeria is Christian unity. This can only be done when Christians understand and accept that they must not associate with a throne of iniquity. The events of the 2023 elections confirm that the government in power did not ascend the throne through righteousness but by the law of iniquity. The throne of iniquity shall not have fellowship with God (Ps. 94:20).
General Overseers, Bishops, Church Officials and the Christian elite should desist from supporting and endorsing thrones of iniquity in the country. They should rather join hands to birth a righteous government that will provide the platform for Christ to reign over Nigeria. The government of the Kingdom of God shall be established upon Nigeria. Amen.
1). Eph. 1:17-19
Pray that God will endow Christian leaders in Nigeria with the Spirit of wisdom and revelation to enable them to understand the difference between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world.
2). Ps. 133
Pray for unity amongst all the various Christian denominations and ministries. Pray that Christians shall be of one mind to produce a righteous government for Nigeria.
3). Gal. 6:14
Pray that the cross shall work deeply in Christian leaders and crucify every lust for money, self promotion, and self interest.
4). 2 Cor. 2:11
By the blood of Jesus, nullify every manipulation and projection of sorcery to divide Christians and hinder political unity amongst the saints.
5). Isaiah 59:19
Raise a banner of the blood of Jesus and barricade in the spirit realm every plan of evil politicians to sustain a throne of iniquity over Nigeria.
6). Isaiah 43:18 19
Pray that God will do a new thing in Nigeria and bring forth a righteous nation.
7). Rev. 11:15
Decree that the kingdom of Nigeria has become the Kingdom of God.