الجمعة، 18 تشرين1/أكتوير 2024

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Monday 15th - Sunday 21st July 2024


A few days ago, during our regular prayers, a brother shared his unique experiences over days, culminating in a profound dream with significance for Nigeria.  A flash interpretation to the dream was provided. This indicated that it was a vision about a great political figure who was soon to fall in the country after his house of beasts shall have risen against him as his leviathan powers are judged.  Days later, a more insightful interpretation was provided, with an impressive clarification of the season that now is.  Both the vision and that interpretation are provided below.

It began as a thought in the morning of Monday October 30, 2023. I woke up and my mind was flooded with the thought of a giant tree towering majestically over Nigeria. 

The following day, that thought continued strongly like a discussion within my soul. The roots came into focus. I began to see in my mind that the tree had roots running along the ground and reaching all over Nigeria. Along the roots sprang up other trees, also lofty but dependent on the main tree for their sustenance. 

The thought shifted to the deepness of the taproot of the major tree.  In the ongoing conversation in my soul, I heard that the taproot was more than 200 meters deep. At that point, I dismissed the thoughts and concluded that they were not of the Lord.  Why? Because the Bible measures lengths in cubits, not meters.

By Thursday the 2nd of November, the thought had left my mind.  In the early hours of Friday the 3rd of November, that is, on the fifth day, I had a dream about the same tree whose thought had flooded my spirit the days before. In that dream, I was standing a distance away, looking at the huge tree towering majestically high.  It was a sight to behold.  Suddenly, I heard movements to my left. As I turned towards the sound, I saw a massive python, so huge that I could not see the end of its tail. It was swift in its movement. I was amazed at the size and speed of it. In an instant, it had climbed to the top of the majestic tree and settled in a branch, as if spread out on a royal bed. 

Then suddenly, a host of all kinds of animals, both herbivores and carnivores as well as all kinds of birds, angrily converged at the top of the tree and began to devour the python. In a moment, they had completely eaten up the python. What was left of it was its huge skeleton at the top of the tree. It was quite a sight. 

As I looked on, I saw that the lofty tree had also suddenly dried up. The few leaves left on it had dried up too. I woke from that dream, and it was a few minutes before 3am. I was led by the Holy Spirit to read Ezekiel 17:24 and Isaiah 27:1.

Ezekiel 17:24 
And all the trees of the field shall know that I the LORD have brought down the high tree, have exalted the low tree, have dried up the green tree, and have made the dry tree to flourish: I the LORD have spoken and have done it.

Isaiah 27:1
In that day the LORD with his sore and great and strong sword shall punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he shall slay the dragon that is in the sea.

I reflected on the conceited Ishmaelitish kingdom seeking roots in Nigeria since 1804. I recall that its ancestor, who set it up, was told in a dream that his kingdom would last for 200 years only, then die. 
-Bro C.

Here is the understanding of the dream. Like with the dream of Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4, the tree refers to a man.  In Nigeria, that man would be the one who sits on the apex Ishmaelitish throne in the land.  The other lofty trees along the roots of that big tree would refer to the chiefdoms raised by that apex throne and dependent on it for sustenance.  The deepness of the taproot at 200 meters would refer to the 200 years of that throne in Nigeria.

The python that spread itself on the top of the tree refers to the Kusugu well in Daura. It was confirmed during a visit to the well in 1986 that a great snake used to live in the well.  That well is at the northern tip of an occult triangle, the two base tips being one at Bariga in Lagos, in the South-West (around the University of Lagos waterfront), and the other at Akamkpa River in Cross River State, in South-Eastern Nigeria.

The deliverance of Nigeria will begin with the divine destruction of that religious throne which has long troubled the politics of the land. That throne is behind the Sharia movement that seeks to take Nigeria captive for Islam. The present ruler on that throne was raised to execute that agenda.  The problem of Nigeria is the Sharia movement which has been institutionalized in the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria.

We need to focus prayers on what God has revealed, so that that evil tree shall wither as shown, the python devoured, and the occult triangle permanently dismantled.  Amen.

Beloved, by the mouths of these witnesses, we have a timely prayer point for the continuing deliverance of Nigeria.  It is not over.  The enemy has not prevailed. Amen.


1.    Dan. 9:1–2 
In the calendar of God, times and seasons are apportioned to nations. A foreign throne has had dominion in Nigeria for 200 years since 1804. That throne has perpetrated evil and oppression in the land. After the expiration of its season, it still seeks to dominate the land. God in His mercy has sent us a prophetic insight announcing that its time is over. Pray that that evil throne and all its subsidiaries shall perish from Nigeria. Demand from heaven that the time allotted for this throne be over and it must be dismantled in Nigeria.

2.    Rev. 16: 4 – 6 
This evil throne is guilty of bloodshed all over Nigeria, particularly the blood of the saints of God. As it persists in bloodshed, pray divine retribution upon this throne, that it shall be repaid in bloodshed for all the havoc and destruction it has wrecked upon Nigeria.

3.    Rev. 14: 6 – 8 
There is a shaking about this evil throne and rumblings within its palaces. Pray and decree that the shaking is not enough. It must fall never to rise again.

4.    Ez. 12: 21-28 
Refer to the vision of the big tree that withered and the python that was destroyed. Pray by the word of God that the vision shall not be delayed but it shall be fulfilled quickly. The evil throne whose season has expired over Nigeria shall wither and be destroyed according to the revelation from God.

5.    Ez. 21: 25–27 
Pray that the wicked powers ruling Nigeria shall give way for righteous rulers that will promote righteousness and justice.

6.    Isaiah 33: 22 
Pray that Christ shall reign over Nigeria as King (President), Lawgiver (National Assembly), and Judge (Judiciary). Hand Nigeria over to Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords.

7.    Proclaim Ps. 24:7–10 all over Nigeria.
 Command every spiritual gate in Nigeria to open for Jesus Christ the Kings of Glory to enter and reign.



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