الأحد، 09 آذار/مارس 2025

B Blog



Monday 18th - Sunday 24th November 2024


But in the fourth generation they shall come hither again: for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet full (Gen. 15:16).

Whenever iniquity is full, judgment follows. God has programmed the land in such a way that, whenever the iniquity of the people living on it is full, the land vomits them. It is a divine ordination. In Leviticus 18, God listed the iniquity of the Amorites, the descendants of Noah through Ham and Canaan. The Amorites had filled the land of Canaan with acts of sexual perversion that activated the divinely programmed judgment.  This judgment occasionally takes a long time before it falls. In the case of the Amorites, it took four hundred years, while God was patient if the people would repent. Within that period, the replacement people were being prepared in Egypt.

While Israel was preparing to replace the Amorites in Canaan, God warned them about the laws of the land. They were not to commit sexual perversion, otherwise what had been programmed into the land would be activated against them. Israel thought that God was unserious.  They filled the land with perversion. God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did not save them. The ten northern tribes were vomited out completely, and they lost the land. The southern tribe of Judah, probably assuming that the Amorites and the northern tribes of Israel were not as special to God as they, also filled the land with perversion, and the land vomited them into Babylonian captivity.

God is warning Nigeria that her iniquity is becoming full. Already, the land has started vomiting its inhabitants. It is called the “japa syndrome.” People are being forced to leave the country in droves. Some leave through the airports, some through land borders, while others “japa” by trekking through the desert, and multitudes more are vomited into their graves. The land is vomiting its inhabitants because of the weight of iniquity upon it.

Those preparing to take over the land have arrived. They started arriving as Boko Haram. It was followed by Fulani Herdsmen, then, Al Qaeda, Islamic State West Africa Province, Ansaru, Bandits, and the latest group is called Lak Urawa, that arrived from Niger Republic. They all have one thing in common: land grabbing. The land is already calling for fresh people to inhabit it. If Nigerians think that they are more special than Israel, they will soon realize that they are not, if there is no national rethink. If God could cast out Israel from the land that He swore by an oath to give to Abraham and his descendants, He will cast out any people who violate His moral standards.

What is “the iniquity of the Amorites”? Leviticus 18 summarises it as acts of sexual perversions that violate God’s moral code. Topical amongst them are homosexuality, lesbianism, bestiality, incest, and paedophile. Nigeria is outwardly known as a religious country, but under its veneer of religiosity lurks the dark passions of men and women, a stench and an abomination to God. Homosexuality in Nigeria has its roots in the core north, where there are public male prostitutes called “Yan Daudu” or “Dan Daudu.”  They are common there.

Homosexuality in Nigeria became a national malaise under a military ruler who ran a cult of homosexuals in the army. Members of that cult, who were referred to as his “boys,” were favoured with juicy political and administrative appointments in his government. A retired military officer boldly granted an interview in the media and revealed sordid details of the perversion that entered the army through that military ruler. The officer stated that male “bottom power” was the basis for officers’ progress in the military.

Because that evil was not checked, it was also adopted by those seeking political power in Nigeria. It is now reported as an epidemic in political circles where “godfathers” demand sodomy for political sponsorship. In the 2023 elections, some of the prominent candidates were allegedly involved in sodomy. The virus has also entered the entertainment industry in Nigeria.  Many celebrities are alleged to be sodomites.

A few weeks ago, a blogger published three lists of male celebrities in Nigeria involved in sodomy. The shocking thing was that those listed did not head to the court to clear their names. Even if the legal option was not considered, it was expected that anyone falsely accused of such a grievous lifestyle in this culture would at least have done a rebuttal, yet those are the influencers on social media, that youths follow, emulating their lifestyle.

Not only in the entertainment industry but also in the banking sector it is now reported that promotion and retention of jobs in some banks is based on “bottom power.”  Some banks are already notorious for employing beautiful young women and sending them out to prostitute their bodies as “marketers,” to obtain deposits from rich men. Homosexuality is fast becoming the qualification to access juicy contracts and business opportunities in the land. In secondary school boarding houses, homosexuality and lesbianism are becoming rampant. The iniquity of the Amorites is spreading in the land. The street name for it is “Agege” – not the Agege area in Lagos city, but “a-gay-gay.”

If this evil were restricted to secular circles, it might have been dismissed as a manifestation of the sin nature. Shockingly, a major Christian denomination was embroiled in a scandal a few days ago, that some of its pastors were sodomizing teenage boys. The scandal led to the suspension of two pastors while investigation continues. Who, but God, knows what is going on in other denominations and in other religions?

The matter escalated when a prophetess from USA, Sister Celestial, gave a five-hour prophecy on Nigeria in which she described the National ID of the country in heaven as sodomy.  That prophecy not only described what goes on in the country but has raised the alarm that the evil has attracted divine displeasure, and God is poised to judge the land on account of the sodomy of some of the people, particularly the leaders. When political leaders get involved, it becomes a national sin.  (A short clip of the prophecy is below.)

The desperation to survive is making many people vulnerable. As the economy shrinks, men become desperate to earn income and some yield ground to abominations.

As a country, Nigeria by legislation rejects sodomy in all its ramifications. We also, as citizens, reject LGBTQ and we condemn its sponsors, locally and internationally. Homosexuality is not an “alternative lifestyle” (as some have chosen to euphemistically call it), it is the highest degradation of humanity by Lucifer the enemy of God and man. Men who would otherwise loathe to touch faeces, use their manhood to pack it. When people reject the knowledge of God, they slide into a state lower than animals (Rom. 1:18-28). There is no record that animals indulge in sodomy. As dirty as the pig is, it does not; neither the goat reputed for stubbornness.  It is depraved men and women, who have lost the knowledge and glory of God, who indulge in it.

In Nigeria, we have three grounds for rejecting sodomy: cultural, religious, and legal.

1. Our culture as Africans forbids sodomy.
2. Every religion practised in Nigeria is opposed to sodomy.
3. Legally, sodomy is prohibited in Nigeria by virtue of the law promulgated in January 2014. Whosoever is convicted of homosexuality is liable to imprisonment for fourteen years.

For the foregoing, it is time to speak out against this evil and condemn it before it destroys us as a people and cost us the land that our ancestors passed to us. They gave us this land, not sodomy.

The time has come to expose all those engaged in sodomy in Nigeria, and shame them publicly. The time has come to insist that every homosexual politician be exposed and never be allowed back into political leadership. We should not put people into political offices only for them to use their authority as leaders to defile the land and bring curses upon us. 

The Church must publicly condemn and renounce sodomy in Nigeria. That is necessary; to show God that sodomy has been judged in Nigeria, so that He would no longer need to judge the country on account of the same abomination.  Such an action would be a first step to avert the potential judgment on the land for “the iniquity of the Amorites.”  Christian leaders should be proactive on this matter.

Parents should also start talking to their children and warn them against sodomy. The critical education called “home training” must be activated in families.  Boys and girls must be trained to resist and reject LGBTQ advancement. Once this critical education is applied at home, children will resist it wherever they encounter it. May God deliver us and heal our land.  Amen.

1.    Prov. 28:13 
Confess the sin of sodomy in Nigeria. Acknowledge that the land has been polluted, and the moral standards of God have been violated; that the people of the land have sinned against God.

2.    Lev. 18:22-25 
Condemn the sin of sodomy and all manners of perversion and pollution in Nigeria. Pronounce judgment on all who do it.

3.    Ez. 22:23-31 
Stand in the gap for Nigeria. Plead with God to judge only those who pollute the land.

4.    Ez. 8:7-12 
Pray for divine exposure and public shame of all who engage in sodomy and the defilement in Nigeria. 

5.    Joel 2:28-29 
Pray that the youths in the land shall be delivered and preserved from the evil of LGBTQ. Pronounce judgment on Nigerians and foreign nationals who sponsor and promote LGBTQ in Nigeria.

6.    2 Kings 9:4-10 
Pray that God will raise a righteous ruler in the land, who will execute judgment on all sodomites and all those who defile the land with bloodshed, perversion, and corruption.

7.    Prov. 22:6 
Pray for families, that parents shall be diligent to inculcate home training into their children; for peace and unity in marriages, to ensure that children grow up under proper parental guidance. Amen

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.

Email: bosun@houseofkaris.net