Friday, 18 October 2024

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Today, it is no more news but common fear in Nigeria, of an impending invasion, anytime.  Of that, many prophecies and revelations have repeatedly warned; revelations from children as well as adults, from the clergy as well as the laity, from voices within and without the nation.  Years ago, when we sounded the alarm about Nigeria’s present regime and a coming Armageddon, it offended some, as it occasionally happens.  This evening, I hear the echoes again of the clouds of blood that for long have been hovering insistently over Nigeria, awaiting a provocation.  I am forced once more to my table, to my scroll and ink, to write another epistle.  I shall prophesy in the parable of the scripture by which the Lord had opened a window into the message.


(Part 1 of 3)

  1. The Anti-Babylon Movement

About three decades ago in parts of Nigeria, the United States and the Caribbean, there was a thriving doctrine that upset not a few Christian establishments. For lack of a better adjective, the simple Christian folk who did not have much time for grandiose religious terminologies, especially in Nigeria, simply described the adherents of that doctrine as the ‘Anti-Babylon’ brethren. The doctrine itself they summarised as, ‘Come out from among them.’ The theological outlook of the Anti-Babylon movement subscribed virtually everything under a ‘world system’ that went by the name of Babylon. The serious ‘remnant Christian’ was to be no part of such Babylon-systems, especially the Babylon-church system. That Christian needed to ‘come out from among them.’ It was one zeal stretched too far in certain respects.


Part 2 of 3

Yesterday’s Prophecies, Today’s Bad Dreams

An alternative subtitle for this section might have been, “Beyond PVCs.” By strange intuition, some observers of the Nigeria political landscape have been unable to share in the ‘PVC’ hype; they have been unpersuaded with the common agitation to ensure registration and possession of a Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) in the opinion that the good outcome of the next elections would rest solely on that.   In some societies, yes; in some other societies, unfortunately, No.


Biynah-yada  Part 1 of 3

In Esther 1:13, we read of a kingdom whose wise men and advisers “knew the times.”  In 1 Chronicles 12:32, however, the Bible tells of another kingdom whose wise men and advisers “had understanding of the times.”  One set “knew the times,” the other understood “the times.”  Any difference?  One set comprised secular or natural advisers, the others were spiritual in their operation; one set worked with their learned heads, the other set had much more, working from their inspired spirit.   Each of them was crucial to their kingdom in their own way.  We need both now.


4. The Sword

(Part 3 of 7)

 17 Or if I bring a sword upon that land, and say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man and beast from it:

18 Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves (Ezekiel 14:17-18).




  1. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) held a Press Conference on Friday 27th April, 2018 at the National Christian Center, Abuja, to condemn and decry the mindless bloodshed, destruction of Christian places of worship, abduction of Christian school girls, destruction of Christian communities and the apparent collaboration of Security Forces and undeniable endorsement of the Buhari Administration of the genocide.
  2. Leaders of Islam in Nigeria, notably NSCIA (Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs) and JNI (Jamaatu Nasril Islamic Society) are clearly not doing enough to call their followers perpetrating this genocide to order. This suggests endorsement of the killings.
  3. Therefore, CAN is calling all Christian assemblies worldwide to observe two Sundays of National Christian Protest on 29th April, 2018 and 6th May, 2018. Christian assemblies that are unable to organize the protest on 29th April should do it on 6th May, 2018. Any Congregation that wishes to observe the Protest on the two Sundays is free to do so.
  4. The protest should be restricted to areas where it is safe for Christians to observe it. Believers are required to restrict the protest to their immediate vicinity.
  5. Ensure display of placards and banners. In addition, arrange adequate Media coverage.
  6. All participating Congregations should download the paper presented by CAN during the Press Conference and read it during the protest. The paper can be downloaded at or
  7. Christians in the Diaspora are encouraged to present copy of the Press Conference to the Government of host country. In non-English speaking countries, Nigerian Christians are encouraged to translate the text of the Press Conference into the official language and present to the host Government.
  8. Christians in Diaspora are requested to impress on the host Government that the Buhari Administration is deliberately fermenting war in Nigeria the consequence of which would negatively impact Africa, Europe and the United States of America.
  9. Thank you for your participation. The text of the Press Conference is below.

Just a few nights ago, I had a powerful prophetic dream. I believe this is a word for the body of Christ. In the dream, I looked up and saw a beautiful blue sky with many clouds. Above me were two large doors. Then I heard the Lord say, "People are always praying for Me to open the doors. But what I want is for people to diligently seek and earnestly seek Me." Hebrews 11:6 says, "[God] is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." There are several translations that say He rewards those that earnestly seek.


 Let those who have the Spirit of the Lord read and judge.

On the 12-12-17, as I sat in council with Prophetic elders under the leadership of one of the apostolic fathers in the nation I was brought into the Visions of God (Ezk.1:1) and as I watched I saw the Lord give command to Twelve Angels and they were caused to descend on the nation one after the other over a period of twelve hours. I was commanded to sound the golden shofar to mark their descent. I will describe one of the Angels at the end.



“Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Hosea 6: 1-2


 The Journey of Faith | Genesis 12:1-8

All of us are on the journey of life. We can make the journey in one of two ways. We can make the journey on the basis of what our eyes can see—that’s walking by sight. Or we can make the journey on the basis of what we cannot see—that’s walking by faith


The word of the Lord came to me expressly on the 16th July 2000 saying:

"Except the church in Yoruba land returns back to its first love of Missions and Evangelism, the fate of Liberia and Sierra Leone will befall Yoruba land, beginning from Abeokuta".


A storm is coming. The torrential rains shall fall. The waters shall rise. The floods shall sweep away all wood, hay and stubble. The violent winds will blow away all that was built irresponsibly. (Alois_Wonaschuetz)

A storm is coming. The torrential rains shall fall. The waters shall rise. The floods shall sweep away all wood, hay and stubble. The violent winds will blow away all that was built irresponsibly.

Are you building your house on the rock or on the sand?

"Whoever hears these sayings of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on a rock. And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house. And it did not fall, for it was founded a rock. And every one who hears these sayings of Mine and does not do them will be likened to a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house. And it fell. And its fall was great " (Matt. 7:24-27).

"What sayings of Mine" is Jesus specifically referring to in these passages? Reading in context, Jesus began a lengthy teaching from Matthew 5-7 and the central theme of it seems to be the character of the heart of man—from the Beatitudes, to loving our enemies, to having the right motives in giving, praying and fasting. Then He goes on to teach them about the Father's care for them and not worrying but seeking first the kingdom of God. Finally, Jesus comes to the end of that teaching and speaks about hypocrisy and righteous judgment and reverting back to heart matters followed by a warning of false prophets and those who call Him Lord but don't do His will. This entire teaching is traditionally known as the Sermon on the Mount, and it ends with the parable of the wise and foolish builders.

This was one of Jesus' first and most foundational teachings. It set the tone for His public ministry. As ministers that is important for us to know. We must emphasize what Jesus emphasized. These sayings prepared the people and His disciples for what was to come. Herein we find the standard of Jesus' life and ministry for all He did and taught. The heart must be right or nothing else will be right. If the heart is not right people won't do what He says. We must build our lives on Jesus' words, especially these first words of the first lengthy sermon He preached.

Storms Test the Strength of the Foundation

Jesus was the Master Builder. When it comes to building people, He is our primary example and pattern. The apostle Paul refers to God's people as God's field and God's building (1 Cor. 3:9), and he calls all ministers his fellow laborers who plant and water the field, and who are to build on the foundation of Jesus Christ.

The image of the people as a building under construction is very interesting because it highlights the responsibility of ministers to be faithful in how they build. Ministers are like building contractors who are only permitted to build on the prescribed foundation (see 1 Cor. 3:12-15). There are both wise builders and foolish builders (Matt. 7:24-27). To build on the foundation a building of durable material (gold, silver and precious stones) means not only to teach sound doctrine but even more importantly, to be a godly example and live a sanctified life of fidelity to the truth, thus helping to mature the saints. Ministers and especially pastors/shepherds, because they live with the people, teach more by their life example perhaps than anything else.

On the other hand, to build with perishable material (wood, hay, and stubble) is to provide inadequate or unsound teaching or to compromise the truth by living a lifestyle that contradicts or falls short of modeling it. It is the quality of every builder's work and not the quantity, as seems to be much of the focus today, that shall be tested by fire, for which every builder shall give account to the Lord.

In Jesus' parable (Matt. 7:24-27) He uses a storm, signifying the pressures, hardships and trials of life, as well as the persecutions we will suffer for the gospel, as a measuring gauge for how solid our foundation is. And what is our foundation based upon? Jesus taught us that it is based upon doing His sayings. Obedience is the issue. ""Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven" (Matt. 7:21). Obedience, not lip service, is what God requires.

Have you ever thought about what gives us the strength and fuel to obey God? Why are some people obedient and some are not? Why are some doers of the Word and some are not? Why do some people stay faithful to God and remain true while others do not? Why do some start this Christian race but never finish? What is it that causes us to endure to the end (Matt. 24:13)?

It is the fear of the Lord. Obedience to the Lord is not only proof of your love for Him (John 14:21), but also of your fear of Him. There's been an emphasis on love, although we've fallen short of the full counsel of God in that area, too, but there has not been nearly as much of an emphasis on the fear of the Lord. It takes both of them to produce a strong constitution in your Christian life. Notice in the following two different translations how the love of obedience in Jesus was rooted in the fear of the Lord. They are identical. Or a better way to say it would be that the manifestation of the fear of the Lord is obedience to His Word and His sayings/commandments.

"His delight is in the fear of the Lord" (Isa. 11:3a, NKJV).

"He will delight in obeying the Lord" (Isa. 11:3a, NLT).

I love this verse of Scripture. It feeds and fuels the fear of the Lord in me and the delight to obey Him. This is our sure foundation. Since our obedience is the manifestation of the fear of the Lord in our lives, and since that is the difference between building your house on the rock or on the sand, we then could say that the fear of the Lord is what builds a strong foundation for our houses, which represent our lives. The fear of the Lord produces durable materials in our lives that will strengthen us to stand even in the midst of the storms. Can you see that?

A house is built by wisdom, and the fear of the Lord is the beginning or the foundation of wisdom/knowledge. Once again, a house represents our lives, homes, families.

"Through [skillful and godly] wisdom a house [a life, a home, a family] is built, and by understanding it is established [on a sound and good foundation]" (Prov. 24:3, AMP).

"Wisdom begins with the fear of the Lord" (Prov. 1:7a, CEB).

"Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge" (Prov. 1:7a, NLT).

If we build our lives and homes on the true wisdom and knowledge of God that comes from the foundation of the fear of the Lord, we need not fear the storm, because we will stand.

Paul's Great Desire

One of the apostle Paul's greatest burdens was this very thing: that the people He ministered to would stand firm in their faith and remain obedient to God even in the midst of the troubles and persecutions of his day. Other New Testament writers shared the same burden.

Paul's great desire was that the people he taught would not falter under pressure, lest his work be useless or his labor be in vain. Notice his great concern for the Thessalonian saints (1 Thess. 3:1-9). He had warned them of the troubles that would soon come. In his farewell speech to the Ephesian elders, he warned them of the same troubles (Acts 20:25-31). To the Galatians and the Hebrews he did the same, warning them not to turn back to the Law. He was preparing them for the storm and the persecution they would receive from preaching the cross and paying the price to follow Jesus. Warnings are such a large part of the Scriptural admonition that Paul and the other New Testament writers gave to the churches. Today there is a glaring absence of these warnings in our preaching.

Here are just some I found in the New Testament: Matthew 7:15, 10:17, 24:4-5, 24:11-13, 24:24; Mark 12:38-40; Luke 12:1, 15; Acts 20:29-31; 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10:12, 11:3; Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 5:6, Philippians 3:2, 18; Colossians 1:28, 2:8; 1 Timothy 4:16; Hebrews 2:1-3, 4:1; 2 Peter 1:10, 3:17.

Fellow minister and preacher, how well are you preparing yourself and your people for the storm? Are you teaching them the whole counsel of God or catering to itching ears? Are you including the warnings in your preaching? Are you preaching on only the goodness and mercy of God, or do you also preach on His severity, wrath and judgments? Are you only preaching on the love of God, or do you place emphasis on His holiness too? Do you ever preach on sin and repentance? Are your concepts of the love of God and the grace of God accurate and in accordance with Scripture?

If not, then you may be guilty of the blood of men: "Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I did not keep from declaring to you the whole counsel of God. .... Therefore watch, remembering that for three years night and day I did not cease to warn everyone with tears" (Acts 20:26-27, 31).

Make sure you are preparing yourselves and those whom God has entrusted to you for the storm. Oh, how much stronger our churches would be if we included these things in our preaching and teaching and living them out before the people!


It is now clear that if Christians do not organize to actively participate in Governance, the instrument of the State shall be used to progressively decimate the Church until Christianity is eventually “eradicated in all its forms and ramifications” in Nigeria. To avoid this calamity from coming to pass, the NCEF advises all Christians as follows:


For the Nigerian Church this message is very timely and approriate. Considering the situation we are facing,  what God requires of the Nigerian Chuch to avert disaster is REPENTANCE AND UNITY of the Church.

Urgency and sincerity are two words  rolling around in my spirit as I write this. With yet another historic event—the senseless killing of now 59 people in Las Vegas—we are being warned as a nation.


 Christian Leaders unanimously declare support for CAN Trust Fund … urge immediate announcement in all Churches and contribution by all Christians

Sunshine over Nig 3

Nigerian Christian leaders held a crucial meeting today (Tuesday 7th November, 2017) at the Sherpherdhill Baptist Church, Lagos, to deliberate on crucial issues affecting the Nigerian Church and the Nation. In attendance was the President of CAN, Rev. Dr. Olasupo Samson Ayokunle, the immediate past President of CAN, Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Prof. Joseph Otubu, Rev. Dr. Musa Asake, Prelate Samuel Kanu Uche (the Prelate of Methodist Church), Pastor E. A. Adeboye, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop Mike Okonkwo, Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude, Rev. Dr. Caleb Ahima, Pastor Paul Enenche, Pastor David Ibiyeomie, Pastor Emmanuel Nuhu Kure, Bishop Wale Oke, Archbishop Magnus Atilade, Baba Aladura Elder (Dr.) Bob-Manuel, Dr. Napo Emuchay, Apostle Alex Bamgbola, heads of CAN, heads of denominations and ministries, as well as States and Local Government Chairmen of CAN, and heads of Christian Fellowships. Christian Groups like Christian Lawyers Fellowship of Nigeria (CLASFON) and Nigeria Christian Graduate Fellowship were also present and spoke at the Conference.

The meeting, which started with opening prayer by Rev. Father Matthew Ogunyase, condemned in strong words the Islamization Agenda being pursued by the Federal Government of Nigeria, using State resources. The President of CAN, Rev. Dr. Samson Olasupo Ayokunle, delivered a strong paper stating facts and figures in support of the unequivocal stand of the Church that there is an Islamization Agenda going on in Nigeria.

The paper of the President of CAN condemned the unbridled and lawless attacks of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen on Christians and Christian communities, the violation of the Constitution of Nigeria with regards to membership in OIC, Islam in Africa Organization, Saudi Arabia led Islamic Coalition against Terror, the violation of the Federal Character Principle in Federal appointments by the current Administration in favor of Muslims from the North, the lawless and unconstitutional use of State resources to sponsor Jaiz Bank (Islamic Bank) and the use of State resources to float Sukkuk Bond. The floating of Sukkuk Bond in Nigeria is illegal and unconstitutional to the extent that State resources were deployed to establish it.

 sunshine over Nig 4

The President of CAN also refuted claims by Christians in the Buhari Administration that there is no Islamic Agenda warning that Christians should be careful not to jeopardize their faith in exchange for temporary appointment in Government. He insisted that the instrument of the State is being used to sponsor an Islamization Agenda without due consideration and regards to the rights of other citizens in Nigeria who are not Muslims. He made copious reference to the Abuja Declarations 1989 of the Islam in Africa Organization (IAO) and the OIC strategy meeting in London in 1983 where decisions were taken to destroy Christianity in Nigeria and convert the nation into an Islamic State.

The meeting called on the National Assembly to publish the list of all international organizations that Nigeria belongs to and insisted that Nigeria must withdraw from every international organization that is based on religion in compliance with Section 10 of the 1999 Constitution.

The Christian leaders also expressed grave misgivings over the current discrimination in the North, particularly in the so called “Sharia states” where Churches are not given Certificate of Occupancy to access land to construct places of worship for Christians. The Church leaders wondered why such discrimination should exist in the country if truly all the citizens are one. They urged an immediate reversal of this obnoxious discrimination based on religious intolerance.


Speaking one after the other, the Christian leaders called for Unity of all the Christians and the need for every Christian to support Christian Association of Nigeria. To strengthen CAN and make it more effective, all the Christian leaders supported the CAN Trust Fund and urged all Christians to contribute monthly to support it. Pastor Adeboye in particular, decried the lack of funds in CAN and the fire brigade approach of soliciting funds whenever the Church has critical needs. He advised that if all the Christians would contribute N500 per month, or at the very least N100 monthly, to the CAN Trust Fund, there would be a steady flow of funding that would be used to serve the interest of the Church. Pastor Ayo Oritsejafor, Bishop David Oyedepo, Bishop Mike Okonkwo and all the other Church leaders present spoke one after the other in support of the CAN Trust Fund and urged all the Christians to pool resources together to make CAN stronger.

sunshine Over Nig 5

The Trustees of the CAN Trust Fund also spoke during the meeting and assured the Church leaders of accountability and transparency of the funds. The Trustees gave assurance that the funds shall well managed and used in the interest of the Church.

A ten point Communiqué was issued by the Church leaders after the Conference.





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A good worship pastor will be quick to tell you that worship is more than music. Music is the part we see on Sunday mornings, but there is a much deeper aspect to worship that runs throughout our lives every day of the week. In Romans 12:1-2, Paul addresses 'true and proper worship', and it has nothing to do with singing:


The Christian Evangelical Students Movement (CESM) represented by Rev. Reuben Ezemadu and The Remnants Fellowship, led by Mrs. Njideka Anyandike, are calling Nigerian Christians to immediate intercession for the country. According to the intercessors, a number of activities that have dire spiritual significance for the country and planned for the month of November, 2017. Details of the wake-up are as follows:


People are leading ministries and churches all while the Bible instructs us not to even eat with them. It's time for a housecleaning.

Facebook is a great, if unscientific, medium for discussions about culture and Scripture (and kittens, food, vacations and so forth). I've participated in many such discussions online, and I constantly find myself shaking my head when supposedly solid, Spirit-filled Christians flat out reject clear, simple truths found in the Bible. We have declined into a church that all too often employs human reasoning in favor of biblical principles.


Dear Sir,

It is with grief and pains in our hearts that we write this open letter with the conviction that urgent steps and proactive measures will be put in place to address the ongoing killings in some parts of Plateau State which have continue unabated.


 Gentlemen of the Press,


            The entire Irigwe Nation in Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State wishes to let the world know that since the gruesome attack on Ncha Village on the 7th September, 2017, where more than twenty people were killed, mostly women and children and houses razed, Rigwe land has not known peace.


The setting starts in a train, Controllers checking tickets

“Farhrschein, bitte”

The voice of the ticket controller jolted the teenage girl back into attention. With dreamy eyes, she looked at the Controller as if asking “why are you disturbing my thoughts?”


 The National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has noted the Press Release of the Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs objecting to the statement of CAN on Sukkuk Bond in the country. While we share the concern of all well-meaning citizens of Nigeria that peace and mutual tolerance must be maintained, we cannot close our eyes to egregious infractions on the Constitution and the advent of religious extremism and insurgency in the country, of which the Christian community seems to be the prime target, while Islamic religious extremists are the antagonists.

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