Wednesday, 12 March 2025

B Blog

How Do I Walk by Faith in the Middle of Widespread Fear?


If you’re really quiet you can almost hear it: the heartbeats of those around you. People are scared. We try to distract ourselves so we get more information, thinking it will help diminish fears. But instead, fears grow.

So what do we do when we are surrounded by fear? Here are 6 ways to demonstrate faith in the midst of widespread fear:


1. Feed on God’s Truth

Like many of you, as news of the coronavirus spreads, I’m tempted to be afraid. And sometimes I’ve given into that fear. Through this, I’ve found that what I put into my mind determined how I would feel.

In Romans 10:17, Paul tells us faith comes by hearing the Word of God. And we’ve all experienced holding onto faith. We’ve all at times leaned into knowing that God will work, when things seemed impossible (Luke 18:27). What we put into our minds floats around in there. And while we get swept up in the day’s news, convincing ourselves more knowledge will help us worry less, it doesn’t always work like that.

When you finally rest your head on your pillow at night, and close your eyes, the images parading in front of you are often the images you saw that day. The temptation is great to give into fear. Especially in a crisis where others are scared.

But if faith comes by hearing the Word of God, we’ll never have faith when we feed only on what the world says instead. 

2. Meditate on God’s Word

Think back on a circumstance God got you through, and search your mind for a verse that kept you afloat. Below are a few of mine, if your memory isn’t serving you very well right now. And by the way, don’t be surprised by that ‘fogginess.’ Going through stressful times consumes energy, which affects mental capacity as well. Here are some verses worth memorizing:

Deuteronomy 31:6 - God says to be strong and courageous. To not be afraid or terrified. Why? Because God goes with you, he will never leave nor forsake you.

Isaiah 26:3 - God will keep you in peace when your mind is steadfast because you trust in Him.

Isaiah 41:10 - God reminds you that you don’t have to be afraid for God is with you. He is our God and he will uphold each of us with His hand.

When Jesus himself was being tempted in the wilderness (Matthew 4:1-11), the enemy kept throwing scenarios at him. But Jesus answered Satan the same way over and over: “It is written.”

We are so fortunate to have the Bible so we can read God’s truth and find real answers to life’s problems. Let those verses seep into your fearful mind and keep you steady.

3. Hold God’s Hand

When I’ve gone through difficult times in my life, I’ve made it, because I learned to hold onto my Heavenly Father’s hand. These two poems I’ve written address that simple trust.

His Hand

I do not understand my life, it’s difficult for me
Some questions have no answers, at least that I can see.
And yet, with every year I’ve grown, there is a truth that God makes known,
I do not have to understand, but simply hold my Father’s hand. 

If you’ve ever seen a child take their first steps, they are kind of wobbly. The only way they can navigate is holding onto someone’s hand. As adults, we can still do that today.

My Father’s Hand

The world may never understand,
why I still hold my Father’s hand.
It doesn’t matter, I don’t care;
for when I call, my Father’s there.

When you’re holding onto someone’s hand, you don’t have to worry about falling. They will catch you because they are concerned about you. Their steps are sure and they’ve got experience on uneven ground.

4. Sing or Listen to Uplifting Music

You may not feel like singing when fear is knocking at your door. But there’s something funny about songs. No matter how you feel when you start, after a few moments, your feelings change. It’s about what you focus on. One of my favorites is the chorus of Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus, by Alan Jackson.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in his wonderful face. And the things on earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of his glory and grace.


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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
