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Please find below the spiritual condition of the Church as received over a period of time.
Without doubt, this should have gone quietly to Church leaders but the relevant leaders do not appreciate such admonition.
It is not too late to return to God and correct the errors responsible for the current distress. God has been warning for years but Christians were not listening.
May the truth set Christianity in Nigeria free.


 24th December, 2019


Dear Sirs,

I chose to send this letter to you openly because of the rigors it might take to bring it personally to ALL of you. Please accept my apology for my inability to bring it personally


National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF) has noted the alarm raised by some Muslims, particularly from the northern parts of the country, that a Mosque building was “demolished” by the Governor of Rivers State, Mr. Nyesom Wike. In a sharply religiously divergent society that Nigeria has become in recent years, such outcry is of tremendous concern to those who understand the implications.

 1 Peter 1:1-25 –

1 Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ,

2 according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood:

The books of 1 and 2 Peter have closely related themes, holiness and diligence, which this study will examine together.

The Scriptures say holiness is separation. Peter will use several words in his book to give us a fuller picture of holiness: sanctification, undefiled, purified, and a few more.


6 Types of Temptation Christians Face (from Joseph's Life)

Every child of God faces temptation. It’s a given fact. As we look at the scriptures, we see that Esau gave up his birthright for stew, Ananias and Sapphira wrecked their lives over money, Samson lost his anointing because of a lady, Saul lost his Kingship because of cattle, and the Prophet Elisha’s servant Gehazi lost his calling because of silver and clothes!



Streams in the Desert - 


He went out, not knowing whither he went (Hebrews 11:8).

It is faith without sight. When we can see, it is not faith, but reasoning. In crossing the Atlantic we observed this very principle of faith. We saw no path upon the sea, nor sign of the shore. And yet day by day we were marking our path upon the chart as exactly as if there had followed us a great chalk line upon the sea. And when we came within twenty miles of land, we knew where we were as exactly as if we had seen it all three thousand miles ahead


I am writing this treatise as a result of requests made by some Christians to me for enlightenment about what is happening to Christianity in Nigeria, and more importantly, what are we going to do? I acknowledge that “we know in part and we prophesy in part”, (1 Cor. 13: 9) therefore, I shall be sharing from the “part” that I know, fully conscious that other people may still possess superior revelations.



*Minus James*

Herod the king, instigated by Satan against the early Church, killed Apostle James, one of those in the frontlines of the New Testament move. “And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also,” intending to kill that one too, after the Jewish feast of Passover (Acts 12:3); but the Church prayed without ceasing and Peter was miraculously released, by angelic intervention. 


Appearance and actions reflect . We present ourselves to the world based on our self-perception and aspirations. To be modest is to consider what our clothing and behavior represent. Modesty isn’t vain or boastful. It takes more than selfish desire into consideration and accepts responsibility for the influence our choices have on the lives of others. “Modesty is needed in every century and in every culture,” writes 


Identifying God, Magog, and the Kings of the North and South

Ezekiel 38:1-2: The word of the Lord came to me: “Son of man, set your face against Gog, of the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal;


National Christian Elders Forum (NCEF)
National Christian Centre
Abuja, Nigeria.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Week of National Repentance & Warfare
Monday, 4th February – Sunday 10th, 2019

January 25, 2019.

Dearly beloved,


Greetings to you in the name of Jesus the Man of War.  It is with great awe I come again to you with the present discernment of and response to the sounds in the air, praying that the Lord would continue to find you at His altar “ _for such a time as this_ ” (Esther 4:14).
We have heard not only that the Lord shall mercifully come through for Nigeria but also that grave judgment hangs over the land; and we have also been shown the Philistines furiously sharpening their swords against a Day that they see as very near, “ _because he knoweth that he hath but a short time”_ (Revelation 12:12)


Yesterday as I sat with the Lord, I heard Him say, "Sound the alarm! A spirit of intimidation is coming against many of My prophets right now. Tell them to continue to stand and not give ear to this spirit of intimidation, but to be encouraged and know that they are now moving into a new land of inheritance."

The Lord keeps speaking to me about how there is a battle over the prophets right now to "muzzle" them and "silence" in many different ways, but I hear the Spirit of the Lord saying "Now is the time to get up on your feet and speak!"

For this spirit of intimidation is coming to cause you to cower, to cause you to shrink back and to cause you to bow beneath its taunts and lies. But stand strong, prophets of God; hold the stones of the Word of God in your hand and continue to hurl them in faith.

This spirit of intimidation and fear is raising itself up like a Goliath because there is a crossing over taking place right now where you are moving into a new land of inheritance. I heard the Spirit of God whispering "So many things are about to change. So many things are about to change." and all around me, I could see the "landscape" changing.


(Part 3 of 3)

4 Babylonization

I do not know where you stand, but please, do not stone me. I have sometimes been stoned or smitten by someone who thought I did not prophesy right because I did not speak according to their words and their camp. I am not the first (1 Kings 22:24). My concern is with the said ‘Daniels’ that failed because the Church didn’t pray for them. Agreed, some Christians have gone into seats without fully appreciating the spiritual mysteries about those thrones they were approaching to sit on, and things were sometimes further spoilt for them by commercial Christians and Balaam-priests who sought to profit themselves (not the Kingdom) by the position of those messengers in the palace. Daniel survived Babylon not by prayers from Jerusalem which at the time had been ravished and its priests scattered; he survived primarily because, from the start, he made up his mind where he stood in and with Babylon: not to corrupt himself with the royal and lavish seductions of that new land; not to “defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the wine which he drank” (Daniel 1:8). Esther also made up her mind to stand with her people or perish trying to do so (Esther 4:16). The Nigeria ‘Daniels’ of which that prophet spoke have been of a different breed. Maybe the priests in Jerusalem should truly have prayed better. They got lost in Babylon, even if they were sent by God; even if…


(Part 2 of 3)


I will not argue whether or not God was in the second coming of Buhari, but to the little measure of my study of Cyrus, I am unable to ascribe his name to one who has not supported the rebuilding of Jerusalem or its Temple but, on the contrary, in speech and by body language, has been on the side of the destroyers of the temples and the people of God. That God said somebody was coming does not also mean that God was the One sending them; that He said somebody was coming does not also mean that He said He was the One sending them. Compare 1 Kings 19:15 and 2 Kings 13:3, 7; 8:2. For example, the word of God elaborately tells us about the coming of the Anti-Christ in the last days; are we to say therefore that the Anti-Christ is coming from God or is being sent by God because God had spoken about that coming? God told King Hezekiah that he would certainly die. Did that king understand that message from God to mean that he was to climb into his bed and await the death? No, he faced the wall and prayed, turning the case around to his benefit (2 Kings 20:1-6). Did that mean that Prophet Isaiah who had brought that message did not hear God properly? No.


Today, it is no more news but common fear in Nigeria, of an impending invasion, anytime.  Of that, many prophecies and revelations have repeatedly warned; revelations from children as well as adults, from the clergy as well as the laity, from voices within and without the nation.  Years ago, when we sounded the alarm about Nigeria’s present regime and a coming Armageddon, it offended some, as it occasionally happens.  This evening, I hear the echoes again of the clouds of blood that for long have been hovering insistently over Nigeria, awaiting a provocation.  I am forced once more to my table, to my scroll and ink, to write another epistle.  I shall prophesy in the parable of the scripture by which the Lord had opened a window into the message.


(Part 1 of 3)

  1. The Anti-Babylon Movement

About three decades ago in parts of Nigeria, the United States and the Caribbean, there was a thriving doctrine that upset not a few Christian establishments. For lack of a better adjective, the simple Christian folk who did not have much time for grandiose religious terminologies, especially in Nigeria, simply described the adherents of that doctrine as the ‘Anti-Babylon’ brethren. The doctrine itself they summarised as, ‘Come out from among them.’ The theological outlook of the Anti-Babylon movement subscribed virtually everything under a ‘world system’ that went by the name of Babylon. The serious ‘remnant Christian’ was to be no part of such Babylon-systems, especially the Babylon-church system. That Christian needed to ‘come out from among them.’ It was one zeal stretched too far in certain respects.


Part 2 of 3

Yesterday’s Prophecies, Today’s Bad Dreams

An alternative subtitle for this section might have been, “Beyond PVCs.” By strange intuition, some observers of the Nigeria political landscape have been unable to share in the ‘PVC’ hype; they have been unpersuaded with the common agitation to ensure registration and possession of a Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC) in the opinion that the good outcome of the next elections would rest solely on that.   In some societies, yes; in some other societies, unfortunately, No.


Biynah-yada  Part 1 of 3

In Esther 1:13, we read of a kingdom whose wise men and advisers “knew the times.”  In 1 Chronicles 12:32, however, the Bible tells of another kingdom whose wise men and advisers “had understanding of the times.”  One set “knew the times,” the other understood “the times.”  Any difference?  One set comprised secular or natural advisers, the others were spiritual in their operation; one set worked with their learned heads, the other set had much more, working from their inspired spirit.   Each of them was crucial to their kingdom in their own way.  We need both now.


4. The Sword

(Part 3 of 7)

 17 Or if I bring a sword upon that land, and say, Sword, go through the land; so that I cut off man and beast from it:

18 Though these three men were in it, as I live, saith the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves (Ezekiel 14:17-18).




  1. Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) held a Press Conference on Friday 27th April, 2018 at the National Christian Center, Abuja, to condemn and decry the mindless bloodshed, destruction of Christian places of worship, abduction of Christian school girls, destruction of Christian communities and the apparent collaboration of Security Forces and undeniable endorsement of the Buhari Administration of the genocide.
  2. Leaders of Islam in Nigeria, notably NSCIA (Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs) and JNI (Jamaatu Nasril Islamic Society) are clearly not doing enough to call their followers perpetrating this genocide to order. This suggests endorsement of the killings.
  3. Therefore, CAN is calling all Christian assemblies worldwide to observe two Sundays of National Christian Protest on 29th April, 2018 and 6th May, 2018. Christian assemblies that are unable to organize the protest on 29th April should do it on 6th May, 2018. Any Congregation that wishes to observe the Protest on the two Sundays is free to do so.
  4. The protest should be restricted to areas where it is safe for Christians to observe it. Believers are required to restrict the protest to their immediate vicinity.
  5. Ensure display of placards and banners. In addition, arrange adequate Media coverage.
  6. All participating Congregations should download the paper presented by CAN during the Press Conference and read it during the protest. The paper can be downloaded at or
  7. Christians in the Diaspora are encouraged to present copy of the Press Conference to the Government of host country. In non-English speaking countries, Nigerian Christians are encouraged to translate the text of the Press Conference into the official language and present to the host Government.
  8. Christians in Diaspora are requested to impress on the host Government that the Buhari Administration is deliberately fermenting war in Nigeria the consequence of which would negatively impact Africa, Europe and the United States of America.
  9. Thank you for your participation. The text of the Press Conference is below.

Just a few nights ago, I had a powerful prophetic dream. I believe this is a word for the body of Christ. In the dream, I looked up and saw a beautiful blue sky with many clouds. Above me were two large doors. Then I heard the Lord say, "People are always praying for Me to open the doors. But what I want is for people to diligently seek and earnestly seek Me." Hebrews 11:6 says, "[God] is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." There are several translations that say He rewards those that earnestly seek.


 Let those who have the Spirit of the Lord read and judge.

On the 12-12-17, as I sat in council with Prophetic elders under the leadership of one of the apostolic fathers in the nation I was brought into the Visions of God (Ezk.1:1) and as I watched I saw the Lord give command to Twelve Angels and they were caused to descend on the nation one after the other over a period of twelve hours. I was commanded to sound the golden shofar to mark their descent. I will describe one of the Angels at the end.



“Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Hosea 6: 1-2


 The Journey of Faith | Genesis 12:1-8

All of us are on the journey of life. We can make the journey in one of two ways. We can make the journey on the basis of what our eyes can see—that’s walking by sight. Or we can make the journey on the basis of what we cannot see—that’s walking by faith


The word of the Lord came to me expressly on the 16th July 2000 saying:

"Except the church in Yoruba land returns back to its first love of Missions and Evangelism, the fate of Liberia and Sierra Leone will befall Yoruba land, beginning from Abeokuta".

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