Saturday, 22 February 2025

T Tracts

How far can you run?

Legend says that it happened in the streets of Damascus. A merchant sent his servant to the market. When the servant returned, trembling and agitated, he said, "While I was at the market, I was jostled by someone in the crowd. I turned to look and saw that Death had jostled me.

She looked at me and made a threatening gesture. Master, please lend me your horse so I can escape. I want to ride to Samarra. There I will hide so that Death cannot find me."

Later that same day, the merchant himself was in the marketplace, and he also saw Death in the crowd. He said to her,
"Why did you startle my servant this morning by making a threatening gesture?"

Death replied, "That was no threatening gesture; it was simply a start of surprise. I was startled to see your servant in Damascus, for we have an appointment tonight in Samarra."!!!

How far can you run? In which direction should you run?

It has been known of many who sought to run from danger and ended up running into danger. The story was told of a woman who wished to protect her children from sudden death. She proceeded to join a group that promised her protection and safety. After joining, her "membership fee" had to be paid. So, she sacrificed one of her children. By the time she came to her senses, three out of her four children had died mysteriously. That was when she ran to Jesus Christ for protection.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe. Proverbs 18:10

Do not wait for danger to knock before you start running here and there. Run to Jesus Christ so that you can say, "Greater is He who lives in me than he that is in the world" 1 Jn. 4: 4

Which one do you prefer, to run to Jesus Christ for protection and security, or do you prefer to run to Samarra?

We want to encourage you to pray this prayer right away:

Almighty God, You are the creator of heaven and earth. You are my creator. I come to You now asking You to forgive me all my sins and save my soul through Jesus Christ. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. I believe that God raised Him from the dead and He is alive forever. I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. Lord Jesus, come into my life, fill me with Your Spirit and enable me to live according to the will of God. Amen.

We encourage you to join us at the Christian fellowship below to learn more about the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.

Choose Life After Death

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
