Tuesday, 22 October 2024

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I Will Not Do It

I Will Not Do It

Robert Schuller admits that he doesn't know if the following story is truth or legend, but it makes a good point nonetheless.
It was during the days of the French Revolution that King Louis XVI and his queen were condemned to death.

They were escorted to the guillotine in a public square in Paris and beheaded. Then the frenzied mob called for the prince, the dauphin: "Bring out the prince," they cried. "He's next."

The six-year-old was terrified. According to the storytellers, he stood on the platform trembling in his black velvet coat and patent leather shoes. Long golden curls tumbled down over his shoulders. The mob screamed, "Down with royalty! Kill him! Death to the prince!"

Suddenly a shout came out of the crowd. "Don't kill him. You will only send his soul to heaven. That's too good for royalty. I say, turn him over to Meg, the old witch. She'll teach him filthy words. She'll teach him to be a sinner. And then, when he dies his soul will go to hell!"

So according to the story, that's what happened. The officials turned the young prince over to old Meg. The vile woman of the back alleys began to teach him dirty words. But every time the wicked woman prompted the prince to be profane he would stubbornly stamp his little feet, clench his fists, declaring, "I will not say it. I will not say those dirty words. I was born to be a king, and I won't talk that way!"

Are you aware that you were created to be a king? Yes. It is true. You were born to reign in the kingdom of God.

Jesus Christ is called the King of kings because in His kingdom, every subject is also a king. When the kingdom of God shall come, it shall be seen that those who are despised today because they bear the name of Christ shall reign forever with Him.

The Bible explains it like this, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is." 1 John 3:2

Because of this blessed hope, man is called into a life of holiness and purity. A life that is free from lies, covetousness, wickedness, and every form of unrighteousness. The verse above continues by saying, And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. 1 John 3:3

You are invited today to partake in this blessed hope by repenting of your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.

We encourage you to join us at the Christian fellowship below to learn more about the free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus.


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