Saturday, 22 February 2025

B Books

The 7 Signs of Spiritual Maturity (2010)

One of the great challenges facing the Body of Christ in this generation is the infestation of spiritual offices by men and women who are spiritual babes. The worldlier the Church becomes, the more it uses carnal parameters to promote and appoint people to occupy spiritual positions.

It is becoming a common practice in the Church to use financial and material well-being, position in business or in Government as yardsticks to ordain Pastors, Elders and Christian leaders.

The downside of such carnal appointment is that the unspiritual man enters a spiritual office and proceeds to use the principles of secular leadership to run a spiritual institution. The result is chaos and confusion, as we witness in the Church, today.

The book, The 7 Signs of Spiritual Maturity, was written to help believers understand what is meant by spirituality and how it can be attained. It would enable each believer to assess himself or herself, as to the true spiritual state. More importantly, it would enable Christians assess other believers before entrusting offices to them in the Church, or surrendering to their leadership.

“Study to show yourself approved unto God, …” 2 Tim. 2: 15

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