Saturday, 22 February 2025

T Tracts

Who Betrayed the Secret?

A group of prospectors set out from Bannock, Montana (then capital of the state) in search of gold. They went through many hardships, and several of their little company died en route. Finally, they were overtaken by Indians, who took their good horses, leaving them with only a few limping old ponies.

They then threatened them, telling them to get back to Bannock and stay there; for if they overtook them again, they would murder the lot of them.
Defeated, discouraged and downhearted, the prospectors sought to make their way back to the capital city. As they tethered out the limping ponies on a creek side, one of the men casually picked up a little stone from the creek bed.

He called to his buddy for a hammer and upon cracking the rock, he said, "It looks as though there may be gold here." The two of them panned gold the rest of the afternoon and managed to realize twelve dollars worth. The entire company panned gold the next day in the creek and realized fifty dollars, a great sum in those days.

They said to one another; "we have struck it!"
They made their way back to Bannock and vowed not to breathe a word concerning this gold strike, and they ever so carefully kept their promise. They secretively set about reequipping themselves with supplies for another prospecting trip. When they got ready to go back, they were surprised to find three hundred men following them. Who had told them? No one! The writer of the book accounted thus for the incident: "Their beaming faces betrayed the secret!"
When a man discovers something of great value, he cannot hide his joy. Without breathing a word, everyone that comes across him will know that something is making him happy.

Jesus likened the kingdom of heaven to treasure that is hid in the field, which when a man discovered it, for joy, he sells all his possessions and buys the field. Such is the joy of the man whose sins are forgiven and is delivered from the tyranny of the forces of darkness.
The Psalmist proclaimed, "Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile." Psalm 32:1-2

There is a profound joy that a convict has when the judge pronounces him discharged and acquitted from the consequences of his crime. He does not need to tell anyone that he has been pardoned, his beaming face tells the whole story.

Why don't you come to Jesus and receive forgiveness of sins from God? You can be set free from the guilt that you have been carrying for years and experience the peace that comes from knowing that you are set free from the consequences of your sinful conducts.

Experience the peace of forgiveness. Come to Jesus Christ for mercy and eternal life.
For more information, please contact us

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
