Sunday, 23 February 2025

T Tracts

When You Retire...

Both plans have advantages and disadvantages.
If you plan to re-fire, when you retire from all the stress and problems on planet earth, you have the advantage of living your life the way you want.
One, you can forget about righteousness and do whatever is convenient and satisfactory to you.

If the situation demands, you can tell a lie to wriggle out, hate your enemies, refuse to forgive those who offend you, envy those more fortunate than you are, satisfy every lustful desire that you have and comply with "the end justifies the means".
To make it clearer to you, study the Ten Commandments, and refuse to obey them. Whenever you hear of repentance through Jesus Christ, scoff and look the other way.
Two, you can join a Christian assembly and become active in church activities to become a respectable member of your community. However, you conveniently ignore the commandments of Jesus Christ to witness the gospel and win souls. Treat the Great Commission as a great discomfort and abandon it for those "called" to win souls.
Go ahead and enjoy your life. This one life that you have, you must shine and people must know that you have arrived.
Follow these simple instructions and I can assure you that you will re-fire when you retire from planet earth.
On the other hand, if you wish to cool down during your retirement, then your attitude and lifestyle will adopt righteousness as a way of life. Your life style will be simple, humble, holy, and disciplined.
To start, recognize that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, confess your sins against God and ask for forgiveness in the name of Jesus. Subsequently, accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and submit your life to do His will. When you join a local assembly, ensure that you participate actively in soul winning efforts.
If you follow these simple instruction of righteousness, truth, love and humility, when you leave planet earth, you will cool down.
By the way, for those that are undecided, those who choose to re-fire will do so in hell where the temperature is 4000 degrees Fahrenheit. (That is, 2204 degrees Centigrade). How did I know that? Scientists discovered hell in 1989. (Try and read tract on Scientists Discover Hell.)
Those who choose a life of righteousness in Jesus Christ will have eternal life in heaven with God.
So, how do you plan to retire?

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