Saturday, 22 February 2025

T Tracts

Justification what does it mean?

The prosecution in the case of armed robbery had proven its case beyond any reasonable doubt that the accused man was guilty. The entire court waited pensively for the judgment to be pronounced by the judge. In this case, it is a death sentence. It is either death by hanging or execution by the firing squad.

Suddenly, the judge announced, "the accused is hereby discharged and acquitted from all the charges. He is free to go home. In addition, the state is to provide him with accommodation, reasonable allowance, and he has also secured a presidential pardon."

The whole court was in an uproar. Even the gavel the judge was banging could not immediately calm the people. Finally, the people calmed down enough for the State Prosecutor to approach the bench and politely ask the judge, "Your honour, we do not understand."

It would appear, as the judge later explained, the offence that the accused was facing trials for had been confessed to by the first born son of the judge himself. So, instead of the accused person to face the firing squad, it is the son of the judge himself that would die.

Impossible! You say?

It is possible. As a matter of fact, that is what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.

I committed the sin. I lied, cheated, stole, committed adultery, got drunk, used drugs, prostituted and so on. Jesus on the cross was punished and put to death because of my sins. When I stand in judgment before God, I am set free, because Jesus has paid for my sin. Because someone else has intentionally and knowingly suffered because of my sins, you can no longer punish me for the same sins.

Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, everyone that put his faith in Him is "discharged and acquitted" from the consequence of his sin by the Judge of the Universe.

Since the wages of sin is death, whoever is justified will no longer experience eternal death but receive eternal life through Jesus Christ .

As explained in 2 Cor. 5: 21, God placed our sin upon Jesus and credited us with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. In effect, when you accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour, the record of your sins is wiped clean and you appear before God sinless. You appear as if you never sinned.

What happened to you? You are now justified. God removes your sin and credits righteousness to you because of what Jesus did on the cross and the fact that you accepted His sacrifice with repentance. Justification is an act of grace whereby God cancels the guilt of the sinner and credits righteousness to him.

For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Romans 3:23-24
Justification is the opposite of condemnation. When you are justified, Satan can no longer condemn you, neither can he accuse you of wrong doing.

Would you like to be justified? Would you like to be discharged and acquitted from all the pains and anguish that sin has caused the human race? Would you like to receive the free gift of eternal life?

You can pray right where you are. Confess your sin to God and in the name of Jesus Christ ask for forgiveness and ask Jesus to save your soul.

It is as simple as that.

For further information, please contact us

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
