Thursday, 13 March 2025

B Blog








Monday 22nd - Sunday 28th April 2024


“What money cannot do; more money will do” is the unfortunate axiom of the current political leaders in Nigeria. Their leadership principle seems based on bribery and corruption. The consequence is a corrupt, decadent, and lawless country. As a common proverb goes, the fish rots from the head.

However, one might be unfair in heaping all the blame on the current set of leaders who were themselves products of a corrupt system. The Nigerian system was compromised right from Independence, when an ethnic leader claimed that the newly independent country was “an estate" of his great grandfather. That irresponsible and reckless statement set in motion unwarranted competition and distrust rather than cooperation and mutual trust in the new country. Events soon spiralled out of control leading to the 1966 coup, the civil war, and the military interregnum. It was during the era of the military that corruption became an institution in Nigeria.

An amusing but very unfortunate incident occurred around the ‘90s while the military was in power, and it underscores the mentality in Nigeria. A luxury bus travelling from Lagos to the East was waylaid by armed robbers along the Benin-Shagamu express road. The thieves ordered all the passengers to disembark and hand over their money and other valuables. One young man moved towards the rear of the bus and quickly stuffed his money into his sock leaving a dirty and ragged looking 50 Naira note in his hand. Unfortunately for him, one of the robbers saw him.

The robber accosted him and demanded his money. Tearfully, the young man presented the dirty currency note pleading that was all he had. He explained that he went to visit his sister in Lagos, but she had travelled. In fact, he told the robber, it was her neighbour who gave him money to return to Benin.

The armed robber looked at him contemptuously. With disgust written all over his face, the thief said, “simple honesty, simple honesty. That is the problem with this country, no one is honest. Ordinary bring out your money, you were hiding it in your sock. I saw you. Get out my friend, you are not an honest man. That is the problem with Nigeria, no one is honest.”

That was in the ‘90s. Fast forward to 2024 where the annual national budget was allegedly padded with trillions of Naira. The Senator who raised the alarm was suspended by the Senate. He was not an “honest” man in their midst.

The situation certainly would not have been this bad if the God-appointed custodians of moral standards in Nigeria, the Church, have not joined in the fray. In the past few years, the impression has been firmly established that the Nigeria Church is more corrupt than the world. Every attempt to call the Church to order is termed "rebellion" and the "promotion of disunity" in the Body of Christ. A generation of leaders appeared in the Nigeria Church, which, like the corrupt sons of Eli, “knew not the Lord” (Judges 2:10; 1 Sam. 2:12) These corrupt priests fraternize with corrupt politicians and endorse them publicly. 

Consequently, the Nigeria Church has lost moral authority. Now, perversions and pollution fill the sanctuary of the Lord. With the Church in such moral disarray, the country has had no moral compass to navigate its society in a godly and righteous manner. The bloodletting, corruption and immorality all over the country are the consequences of the loss of moral standard in the Church.

The challenge facing Nigeria Christians is to restore righteousness within the household of faith. This would require believers to take the stand of Paul against Peter in Galatians 2:11 – 16. It is not sufficient for Christians to pray about and condemn the evils in the land yet condone the evils and hypocrisy in the Church. The Lord expects His people to place His righteousness above everyone, for God is no respecter of persons (Acts 10: 34).

If Nigeria Christians continue to indulge in and accommodate sinful and corrupt church leaders (contrary to the will of God in 1 Cor. 5:12–13 and 1 Tim. 5:20), righteousness shall continue to elude Nigeria. The moral authority of the Church must be restored before it can fulfil its role as the conscience of Nigeria. Today, Nigeria operates without a conscience, at every level. The ugly situation will persist until the people of God arise in righteous indignation and begin to judge the evil within the Body of Christ. God established a pattern in Haggai 1:9-10 when He said, “Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house. Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.” The house of God cannot be in disarray while Christians expect God to tidy up their country.

A lot of prayers are going on, but faith must be combined with works for results to show (Jam. 2: 17.) It is insufficient for Christians to pray for a new Nigeria. They must also raise new leaders that “know the Lord”, leaders who will promote righteousness within the Body of Christ.

It is righteousness that exalts a nation. That righteousness must commence from inside the Church.


1).    John 1:9
The condition of the Church has resulted in collective guilt upon all Christians. Let us confess the failure of Christians in this generation to uphold the holiness and righteousness of God in the Nigeria Church.

2.    Matt. 16:18
Appeal to the Lord of the Church to step in and help Nigerian Christians to overcome the sons of Belial who daily pollute the Church.

3.    Jude 3 & 4
 Pray for the outpouring of the zeal of God, that Nigeria Christians shall become militant against corrupt and hypocritical Christian leaders.

4.    Hebrews 1:7
Pray for fresh fire upon Nigeria Christians, fire that will consume all dross and chaff in the Church. Pray that Nigeria Christians shall be on fire for truth and righteousness.

5.    Acts 5:1-11
Pray for the discipline of the Holy Spirit to restore the fear of God in the Church.

6.    Acts 13:1-4
 Pray that henceforth, the Holy Spirit shall raise leaders in the Nigeria Church. Pray that all leaders not appointed by the Holy Spirit shall be uprooted from leadership positions in the Church. Matt. 15:13

7.    Ps. 75: 6-7
Pray that God will promote and empower Spirit-filled Christians into positions of authority and influence in government as well as in the seven mountains of the society.

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The House of Karis is a Christian publishing house focused on providing pure and truthful information that shall enable Christians live in righteousness and in the fear of God.
